The day I Will Never Forget

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When im offline and I need help plz

Hinata's prospective

As I walk down the street that is filled with busy people I "hold" hands with my "lovely" boyfriend Oikawa. The lamp posts are the only thing that is lighting up the dark streets as we continue to walk, stores start to come in sight and he starts to pick up speed bruising my wrist even more than he was already. As we continue to walk the stores pass up and people start to give us strange looks.

Oikawa then looks at me giving me an all to familiar look.

" They are all just looking at us because of your ugly face" Look.

That's when I start to look down as I still walk with him

We walked for about five more minutes until he suddenly stops in his tracks, Making me fumble on my feet a little. I look at the store he stopped at, It was the last store on the street and it had a creepy dark ally next to it.

As I pick myself up I look at Oikawa in the eyes then look away with a little tint of blush on my face. Even though he does all of these mean things to me for some reason I just keep coming back. And that's the part I hate most about myself.

" stay here I just need to grab a few things from this store and I will be right back out, I better not see you causing any trouble or else," Oikawa says in a harsh tone then leaves into the store. When I looked up it looked like a normal grocery store? Why did we have to walk so far just to get to this one store that sells the same stuff as the stores a few miles back?

As I wait for him to get back out I just pull out my phone and message the few people I am allowed to message.

From Hinata

To Yachi

Hey what's up

From Yachi

To Hinata

Nothing much how about you ^-^

From Hinata

To Yachi

I'm just waiting outside of the store for Oikawa to get done shopping

From Yachi

To Hinata

Im telling you the relationship your In is toxic you need to get out of it right now. It's not right for him to be treating you like an object. Because you are the nicest person I know! You should brake up with him right now in my opinion.

From Yachi

To Hinata


From Yachi

To Hinata


From Yachi

To Hinata


As I looked at my phone I wanted to respond but I could not reach my phone at this moment in time.

Why? You may ask

Well, it was because three really tall buff men were holding my phone over there heads and talking to me.

" Hey, your really cute you know that why don't you follow us and we will give you your phone back," The tallest one with black hair said as he raised my phone a little bit higher.

"that sounds like a good idea does it not?" the one with the blond hair said as he looked at me with lust in his eyes.

"Please I have a boyfriend and I'm just waiting for him to get back out there. Can you just leave me alone," I asked but to no avail as they all just started to laugh and it also looked like they wanted me to follow them even more.

That's when I jumped, I jumped higher than their hands can reach and I took my phone back and texted Yachi.

From Hinata

To Yachi

Ya Im fine give me a minute and I will be able to talk

From Yachi

To Hinata

OK, I worried for a minute.

I do a sigh of relief as I know that Yachi is not going to call the police now I look back up to the three boys and they do not look very happy. That's when the one boy with the brown hair takes my wrist, but he had token the wrong wrist. It had been the wrist that Oikawa was pulling on all week. It had a deep purple bruise on it and it hurt whenever anything would touch it. And it hurt most when I was playing volleyball. When The brown hair guy started to pull on my bad wrist I let out a yelp, I thought they would stop when they heard that yelp but it only made then pull harder and faster. They were slowly pulling me into the dark creepy alleyway right next to the store that I had mentioned earlier. When I thought that this was the end for me I heard a voice from the left of me


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