months later

182 7 0

Hinata's pov

As I start to be able to see the school in my line of vision I start to remember all of the good memories I had had before the summer break. I start to remember us winning nationals and also having Oikawa accept my feelings here. This school is just home to a lot of good memories for me. 

As the car stops that I was riding in I get pulled by the hair and whispered in the ear by someone that I once trusted my life with.

" Be here by 8 pm no later okay," Oikawa said as he let go of my hair and opening the door for me to get out of. I wince in pain but get out of the car and start to walk into the school," 

I did not have much time before class started so I just went straight to my locker than my class. I just really hope today will get better.

-End Of School-

as the bell of my last class rang I lept out of my set and sprinted to the first day of volleyball practice. it had been forever since our last practice and I was super excited!

I ran into the gym and saw some of my teammates warming up. my skin almost jumped in excitement I ran into the gym not long after noticing that another team was also there. who were they?

I looked over at them again and 

O no

Oh god


Why him

It was the boy from that one day

The one from the store

That had saved me

Oh god

Oh god

Oh god

what if he knows that Oikawa abuses me 

I don't want anyone to worry

what if he thinks im weak

what if he blackmails me 

I start to breathe really fast

my brain starts to go blank

and I felt my feet start to fall backward

the next thing I saw was darkness

a feeling all too familiar


at the end of everything I love

why does it all end 

in darkness

It reminds me of that day

the day it all went downhill

A car 


Signs passing

The words

"I'm Gay"

A loud screech




lots of red


lots of tears



its always the last thing


a court

a volleyball

a sign

finals I think

screeching of shoes

arms hitting the ball


lots of sweet

a loud hit

from the air




there is always lots of red


an argument 

with a boy

older by about 2 years

teal blue jacket


hand hitting

leg kicking


a blade


even more red


guess I will add this onto the pile

I guess 

darkness is my only friend

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