The Lost Boy Who Fell In Love With The Volleyball All-Star

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Hinata's POV

The next day

As I open My eyes I look around and notice that I had never been to this house before. I try to remember what had happened the night before but all I could remember was being in the park in the kind man's arms.

I start to get up starting to panic

had I cheated on Oikawa?

 was I a slut like he said.

 Tears start to start to build up in my eyes, As I start to sit up and try to get out of the house or try to figure out what happened. 

I get out of the bed I was laying on and start to walk towards the door out of the room trying not to make a noise. When I open it I peeked my head out and looked up and down the hallway, I walked into. I start to walk towards the stairs that I saw when I was looking down the hallway.

As I walk down the hallway towards the stairs I hear two people talking in one room to the left of the stairs. I wanted to know what they were staying but at the same time, I just wanted to get out of this house and head back to Oikawa's.

I started to think about coming home. I already knew He was going to beat me. So why am I still going back?

I don't know

I don't think I will ever know

I hate myself sometimes

I wanted to know if I did cheat on Oikawa though because I loved him very much so I chose to sit and listen to what they were saying.

"You can't just take a kid from the park and bring him to the house when he wakes up he is going to think we kidnaped him," A male who sounded like he was a worried parent said.

"He just fell asleep in my arms! I tried to wake him up but he was out cold. I could not just leave him there to freeze." Another male said with a really winy and high pitched voice. he sounded almost in a kindergartener.

"Well you need to wake the kid up and ask where he lives so we can take him there so his parents don't worry he went missing," The one that sounded like a parent said again.

"FINEEEEE, But your coming with me," Said the kindergartener again.

it went silent then I heard footsteps coming close to the door so I started to run down the stairs. I saw a door that looked like the front door so I grabbed Oikawa's shoes which were by the door and opened it and started to run. I heard a voice yell out to me but I ignored it. I ran as fast as I could not even looking back for a second.

I can't believe that I fell asleep in the man's arms! I'm so embarrassed.

as I continue to run I saw a familiar area. I knew Oikawa's house was not that far from where I was so, I started to walk to his house getting mentally prepared what would happen to me when I arrived.

God I wish I could have seen the nice men face

As I thought of this my face when red again

I laughed

after all of this time

I forgot

what it feels like to be fully in love with  someone

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