⚝Chapter Eight⚝

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Eimi and Yue were sitting in a boat, taking a small trip around the city. She had no idea why there were doing it, but Eimi didn't care. Hahn wasn't with them, and that's all that mattered. The sun was warm on her face as she brushed a piece of her dark hair behind her ear. "So," Yue said, "what do you think of the newcomers?"

Eimi laughed, looking at her sister. "Newcomers? Really? That's what you call them?"

"I couldn't think of a better word!"

"I think they're okay," Eimi said, shrugging. "Sokka's goofy. Katara is awesome. Aang is . . . I don't know, really. I haven't talked to him yet."

"You've talked to Katara? And Sokka?"

"Yeah," Eimi said, looking away. She didn't want to tell her sister that she had followed the Avatar to talk to Sokka, and how she had watched Katara and Aang fight with Master Pakku. 

"Please tell me you didn't follow them." Eimi gave her sister a guilty smile, making Yue gasp. "Why would you do that?"

"I wanted to know why they came here," Eimi said defensively. "And how did you know that I follow people?"

Yue stared her down, a fierce expression on her pretty face. It looked pretty ridiculous since she always seemed to have a smile on her face. "I've watched you follow Hahn."

Eimi frowned. "I did that a year ago."

"I know," Yue said, sniffing. "I never told you that I knew."

"Don't tell Mother and Father," Eimi pleaded. "I will get in so much trouble if they found out."

Yue smiled, leaning forward. "I won't tell them," she said quietly, "for a price."

"Who is this new girl?" Eimi asked, looking around. "Where'd the old Yue go?"

Yue giggled, shaking her head. "This new girl has been living underneath the shadows of sweet little Yue for years and only comes out with her sister." Eimi grinned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anyway, I will not tell Mother and Father if you do something for me."

"What do I have to do?"

"You have to give Hahn the benefit of the doubt." Eimi's grin dropped from her face, and she scowled. "Please, for me."

Eimi shook her head, leaning away from her sister. "No, thank you. I know for a fact that Hahn isn't a good guy so I don't need to give him the benefit of the doubt."

Yue sighed, saying, "He's going to be in this family whether you like it or not, Eimi. I'm going to try to like the guy who's going to marry you so I want you to try as well."

Eimi knew she was being selfish but every fiber in her being hated Hahn. "I will try," she said slowly. "Just so you know, I don't want to marry any of the boys here. They're all annoying."

"Eimi, you know you have to marry one of the boys here," Yue said, rolling her eyes. "There's a couple who Father are considering for you to marry."

Eimi's mouth dropped open. "Who?"

"I can't tell you."

"That's no fair!" Eimi pouted at her sister, trying to make her tell her who wanted to marry her. Yue didn't budge. "Come on! I want to know. Did you know that Hahn was going to ask for your hand?"


"Why can't I know?"

"Because you'll tell them no."

Eimi sighed, knowing her sister was right. She sat back in her seat, looking out at her city. For some reason though, something deep in her spirit told her it wasn't hers to rule. She was destined to do something else, somewhere else. 

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