⚝Chapter Fifteen⚝

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Eimi waited outside of Yue's room, pacing across the floor. She didn't know if she could go in there or if she should wait. She didn't know if Yue wanted to see her or not. She didn't know anything about Yue right now, and that made her sad.

Eimi decided to just walk right into Yue's room. She brushed past the cloth that hung in front of the door and stepped into the room. Yue stood at the window, staring out at the city. It looked like she didn't hear Eimi enter, so she took a step closer to her sister. 

Yue's room was very different than Eimi's. While Eimi's room was bare and cold, Yue's was warm and homey. Her bed had fluffy covers on it, and the ice table next to it had a statue of two turtle seals. Eimi remembered when she got her those. They were about six and seven, and Eimi had hurt Yue's feelings over something really silly. Eimi felt bad so she bought Yue those turtle seal statues as an apology, and Yue accepted it. They made up after that and vowed to never fight again. Until now.

"Hey, Yue," Eimi said softly. Yue spun around, her dress twirling gracefully. Her eyes were wide, probably in fear. "I'm sorry for sneaking up on you."

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk."

Yue nodded, glancing one last time outside. Eimi looked outside and noticed Sokka talking to Aang about something. No wonder Yue was looking outside. Sokka had an easy smile on his face, sending a shock through her heart. His eyes glanced her way, and his smile brightened. Before he could do anything else, Eimi threw the drapes shut.

"You wanted to talk?" Yue asked after a minute of silence. 

Eimi nodded and said, "What happened yesterday?"

Yue didn't meet Eimi's eyes as her hands started fidgeting with a button on her parka. She wouldn't stand still, her feet retreating and advancing. "I needed to be alone," Yue said, her voice growing distant. She was somewhere else in her mind, Eimi could tell. "You're always running off to be alone. Why couldn't I?"

Eimi didn't want to talk about herself. Besides, she was there to talk about Yue. "We're not talking about me right now," Eimi said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why won't you tell me what's wrong? I thought we were sisters."

Yue sighed, raking a hand through her white, long hair. She shrugged, slowing to a stop. "Yesterday, Katara was talking about how awful our traditions are," Yue started out. "And I just wouldn't stop looking at Sokka and thinking about Hahn and . . . And I just got overwhelmed with emotions."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Eimi asked softly. "I was trying to find you all day. Where did you go?"

"I wandered around the city," Yue explained. "I didn't want to be found."

"I wanted to find you. I couldn't find you. I was so worried, Yue." Yue looked guilty. She reached toward Eimi, but she took a step back. It was strange that she was telling Yue that she was worried. She never told Yue that she was worried or upset or sad. "I went around the whole city, looking for you. I even had to ask Father where you were. And you know how I feel about him."

"Eimi, I'm sorry!" Yue cried. "I didn't know what I was thinking. I couldn't think about anything besides how much I hate my life."

Eimi stared at Yue. What was she talking about? Yue had a great life. She was the beloved princess, the one who already had suitors waiting for her to turn sixteen since she was ten. She was diplomatic and graceful, while Eimi was hard around the edges. "What do you mean?" Eimi asked. "You hate your life?"

Yue shrugged, turning away from Eimi. Her shoulders shook slightly as she said, "Sometimes I do, yes. Especially right now."

Eimi wrapped her arms around her sister, drawing her close. Yue seemed so fragile in her arms. She could almost feel the sadness that radiated off of her. "Yue," Eimi whispered. "Why haven't you told me about this?"

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