The start of a long day

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A/n sorry but can we appreciate my acnh villagers DRIP 💦

Ennoshita walked up to the cafe they planned to meet at and grabbed a table near the back and sat there waiting. He grabbed himself an iced caramel frappe and slowly nodded towards his friends as they walked in and said hi to him. He pulled out his whiteboard and managed to hold a good conversation with the lot. The big game was tomorrow and ennoshita was looking forward to watching it and he felt happiness for the first time in a while.

He wrote down that he was getting another drink and was paying for it. Everyone wrote down their orders on the board after lots of complaining, insisting and lots of " no no no it's fine don't worry's" he pulled out his chair and stood up to walk across. Out of nowhere a little child who must have been about 3 ran straight in front of him and the black haired teen knocked him down to the floor. The child was crying and ennoshita was trying to console him until he heard that dreaded noise that no one wanted to ever hear. The kraken. Wait Karen


A lady that looked to be in her late 30's with short blonde hair stormed over him and creating an earthquake in Australia with every step she took.

"What makes you think you can bully my son like that!"

Chikara panicked and frantically held his hands up. Once he remembered he had a white board he just wrote  down.

I'm mute. Sorry about that he just accidentally ran into me. I think he's okay and I'm really sorry about that

"Pfft. Mute people are just pretending to be mute cause they're massive pussies. Just speak to me. What are you a faggot?" (2024 a/n: WHAT THE FUCK) 

Ennoshita looked at her with a confused yet surprised look and frantically wrote down again that his voice box was slit a couple weeks ago and physically couldn't speak. This however, was met with a deep stare from the old woman and she screamed at him with him retaliating. This kept going until...

"Just speak you fucking useless faggot" (2024 a/n AGAIN???????)

She said as ennoshita was shoved  to the floor and landed on his back. Immediately, the rest of the second years stepped in and kept her away whilst helping their friend up from the ground. Tanaka and nots looked like they were going to strangle this person with a paper straw until they looked like a turtle. Narita quickly stepped in and talked the woman.

'I'm really sorry ma'am he's just a bit clumsy sometimes. Please just let him be.'
"he's stupid and clumsy. Tell me something I  don't know!"
Tanaka chuckled and said straight to her face
' I'm going to guess the taste of salad'

Oh BOY did she look pissed. By this time however the police came in and escorted her out of the building.

After getting another drink on the house, the group of them decided to head over to the bakery to grab a little treat. As soon as they walked in they inhaled the fresh scent of the baked goods

Kinoshita spoke," welcome to the bread bank"
Narita instantly carried on" we got bread on deck, bread on the floor"
They kept bouncing off of each other
Ennoshita clipped them both on the ear and that seemed to work well enough. They walked out with a mix of cinnamon rolls, cheese sticks, pizza rolls and cheese sticks.

They ate their food as they made their way towards the bus station to make the way back to their homes. Mainly so that they could rest up before the long game tomorrow and they were just trying to feel prepared.

One by one people got on the bus and got off until they were safely home.

All of them lay in their beds thinking the same thing as the others

"Let's do this shit"


Word count: 666 lmao yes I edited the chapter like 3 times to get that word count up.

Also I feel in the mood for a memey chapter so you get this

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