~ Moving In With Them ~

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❤️ Saeyoung Choi ❤️

He was a little reluctant since the whole secret agent thing and vanderwood probably being more than ready to kill him and you. However, seven managed to convince vanderwood that you were a good hacker and you'd be able to help him out on missions.

The time came to actually ask you to move in with him and he blurted it out with a blush. You of course said yes happily.


💝 Saeran Choi 💝

Saeran had pondered on the thought for awhile and finally came to the conclusion that he was brave enough to ask you to move in with him.

" Y/N. Could you possibly consider moving in with me? As in living with me...? At my home.....?"

He was a little nervous.....

💜 Jumin Han 💜

He was more than ready to ask you to move in with him. He was actually more worried about the fact you might get home sick rather than the fact you might say no.

He invited you to dinner and when you went to leave he blocked the door with his arm.

" Y/N- Darling? Would you do the honers to move in with me?"

💛 Yoosung Kim 💛

Although he was still living in his apartment he decided he would love to have a roommate. And who better than you?

" Y/n ! Would you move in with me ? We could split the rent and don't worry ! It's really cheap with just me but I thought we could move in together .... >_< "

🖤 Zen 🖤

Although he was a little self conscious of his house he had a connection with the place and wanted you to be a part of that connection. He took you out on a date, at the end he stopped and smiled.

" Hey Y/n.... do you think that you would possibly like to move in with me ?"

He was extremely flustered but it worked so -

💙 V 💙

He had described it as a business opportunity. He told you that since you both were business partners then it would be easier to live together so you can work together all the time instead of over the phone. You knew what he really meant though.

🧡 Jaehee Kang 🧡

It was more of a threat. You once again noticed Jaehee was extremely stressed. As usual. And decided if she wasn't going to complain or quit then you would move in and help her instead.

When you're not working you usually are cooking for her, cleaning or just helping her with her work. She tried to convince you to stop but you were having none of it.

Mystic Messenger boyfriend scenarios ( +Jaehee) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now