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Yuui and Luke were in the kitchen of the House of Lamentation with various ingredients scattered about. Lucifer had approved of Luke's visit, as per Yuui's request, so they had decided to bake a cake.

“Luke could you hand me the sugar please?”, Yuui asked

“Okay!”, Luke said happily

Luke was reaching to hand Yuui the Sugar when Satan and Asmo walked in. Satan looked at Luke and smirked.

“Well if it isn't the Chihuahua.”, He teased, “Where's your owner?”

“Hey!”, Luke yelled, “I'm not  a Chihuahua!”

“Hmm? Did you hear something Asmo?”, Satan asked

“I don't think so.”, Asmo stated

The two laughed at Luke's upset. Oblivious to Yuui's growing aggravation. Asmo and Satan continued to make fun of Luke for another minute before the sound of metal slamming down onto the counter caused all three of them to jump and look over at Yuui. She was glaring at Asmo and Satan with piercing eyes.

“A-Ah! Y-Yuui!”, Asmo stuttered, “We didn't see you there.”

Yuui continued to glare at the two.

“Is something wrong Yuui?”, Satan asked curiously

“If you're going in insult Luke then get out.”, Yuui stated venomously

“But, Yuui-!”, Asmo started to say

“Out.”, Yuui ordered, “Both of you.”

Neither Satan or Asmodeus moved from their spot in the kitchen. However, Satan had taken a rather defiant stance as he smirked at Yuui.

“Or what?”, he challenged, “I doubt you could ever force us.”

Saaataaan. Asmodeuuuus.”, Yuui growled out

Immediately Satan's stance faltered as Asmo hid behind him. The two hadn't ever seen Yuui, the kind girl they live with, get pissed off. However they knew they were pushing it when she drawled out their names like Lucifer. The two scurried out of the kitchen and Yuui sighed angrily. Luke only stared cautiously at Yuui for a moment before he spoke.

“Y-Yuui. Are you okay?”, he asked worriedly

“I'm fine Luke.”, Yuui sighed, “I just don't like it when they make fun of you. They don't have the right to do that. After all, you're one of my best friends!”

“Yuui...”, Luke quietly said

“Now then. Let's get back to making that cake now, hm?”, Yuui asked with a smile, “Wanna hand me the sugar?”

“Sure!”, Luke said happily, “Here ya go!”

Luke handed Yuui the sugar and the two got back to their current task of baking. None of the brothers had dared to enter the kitchen after Satan and Asmo told them what had happened. Even Lucifer steered clear of the kitchen. Only Beel was happily welcomed into the kitchen since Luke was okay with him.

A/N: Hi! I just wanna say I liked the idea of Yuui getting mad as Satan and Asmo for picking on Luke. To be fair, I don't really like it when they fun of the babey. So this fits.

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