"W-what?" I choke, the air in the small dorm room suddenly becoming too much to handle.

"Charli's a rebound from you." He says matter of factally rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.

"Y-you, but you. Argh! You're so frustrating!"

"Oh come on Rosalind, don't act like you haven't thought of me too." He smirks, and I can hardly take it anymore.

"Get out Chase." I try to say with some type of authority but failing miserably.

"You want me to leave?" He whispers.

"Yes." I squeak, all attempts to be intimidating leaving my body. Chase Walks up to me and I don't back up this time.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" He slowly whispers in my ear. I can feel the hair on the back of my neck stand. My breath hitches when his lips attach to my ear lobe.

"Yes," I half moan and I feel him smile on my ear.

"Hmmm, it's funny because your body is telling me different. I can here it Ross, I can hear your heart beating faster for me. The way you shiver when I touch you say you want me to stay. Goosebumps look good on you," he says rubbing his fingers up and down my neck. I swallow hard and look into his hunger filled eyes, they scavenge my body as he look at me from top to bottom.
His soft lips slightly parted as he stares at my butt for a little while. "Shit," He whispers stepping back to look at me completely.

"Chase please," I pant, needing the feeling of his lips on my skin. I need to know if his lips still taste like cherries, if they still move perfectly with mine as they once did.

He says nothing and takes one big stride closer. His hands firmly press into the deep curve of my hips. He looks down at me his gaze strong and slightly intimidating but I can't look away. I can feel it, his breath hitting my face the sweet scent of cherries of course fill my senses.
Suddenly the smell turned into flavor his mouth was on mine and it felt like heaven. His tongue looking for access, I playfully decline his attempt, but he wants nothing to do with it he laces his fingers in my curls and pulls on the hair the slight pain making me gasp. He takes advantage of the situation and slowly slips his tongue past my full lips. Immediately I feel a cold sensation on my tongue, I moan into his mouth at the feeling. He leads us to the bed and pulls away to look at me he smiles when I whine at the empty feeling on my lips. His lips latch onto the soft skin of my neck placing wet kisses every where. The cold feeling on his tongue driving me absolutely insane!

"W-what is that?" I moan, he pulls his head up from off my neck.

"My tongue ring." He says his voice raspy he then sticks out his tongue to show me the ball of metal on it. I smile and he continues licking and sucking on my skin. I start to think about what got this started and I immediately stop the situation.

"What's wrong this time?" He rolls his eyes clearly annoyed. I don't know how far he thought he was going to get, it was going to stop eventually. I wasn't going to have sex with him.

"You were kissing Charli just a few minutes ago, and here we are doing the same thing you guys were doing." I huff getting up off the bed. "I don't know what you were thinking or whatever but I wasn't going to have sex with you Chase. We don't even know each other. Plus I have a boyfriend, talking about boyfriend if he knew this was happing right know he'd beat the shit out of you." I explain my attitude changing, suddenly I don't want Chase here the thought of me being in the same exact situation as Charli makes me angry.

"Of course I wasn't trying to have sex with you." He scoffs, something about the way he says it is off.

"You know what, it's getting late I think you should leave. Now." I say, this time with much more authority I look into his hard eyes but they soften a bit when I frown at him.

"Sure." He says and walks out the door. His voice is hard with a hint of, hurt?

I sigh when the door closes, and plop myself back on my bed. What an amazing first day on campus there is no way it can get any worse. The door bursts open and I jump a little.

"Was that Chase I just saw leave the room!" Avani screeches as she walks in. I groan and roll onto my stomach.

"Unfortunately." I sigh, running my hands over my face.

"So you two." She smirks, pointing between me and the door.
I laugh and shake my head at her.

"Nope, I've got a boyfriend." I smile at her thinking about Christians neck tattoos. I'd bet chase would look sexier with neck tattoos, I shamefully shake the thought from my head.

"You don't say?" She smiles puts hands on her hips. "And this sed boyfriend what does he look like, what does he act like?" She asks.

"Well he's handsome, sexy really. He has dark skin and perfect teeth, he's tall and muscular. He has brown eyes
and amazingly soft lips. Oh and he has tattoos on his neck, hands and a few on his upper back." I smile at her quickly frowning, thinking about my gorgeous boyfriend that I just cheated on with an e-boy. "He's great really. He's funny and he treats me right, but he's bad... in a good way."

"Okay, then what's the frown for?" She questions looking at my face.

"I just cheated on him." I say quietly, picking at my nails.

Sorry for the short and late post.😔
But I know how to make it up to you.😎

         My boys in black&white 😩

         My boys in black&white 😩

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Are we voting team Chossalind or Chross? Ik the ship Mamés are horrible if you have better ones let me know

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Are we voting team Chossalind or Chross? Ik the ship Mamés are horrible if you have better ones let me know.

Love is Evol~Chase Hudson (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now