(1) run

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Y/n blinked as she woke up, handcuffed to a black chair. She growled and tried to get out of them but a high pitched voice laughed, "There's no way you're getting outta those, so give up"

It was Shadow Skye. She seemed like a child and y/n laughed quietly. Shadow Skye perked up as she heard her boss in her earpiece, she nodded and removed y/n from the chair, pushing her forward into a dark room. Shadow Skye left, leaving y/n all alone in the room.

Y/n looked around and rubbed her wrists to try to ease the soreness. Then she could hear a loud muffled voice somewhere in front of her, "And fighting with the best agent, Pandora, is the small pathetic scrap named y/n! You're here for blood, and that's exactly what you'll get!!"

A big door in front of y/n opened up and she walked out to see an arena. Crowds of people were above her in seats, and in front of her was the so called 'best agent' of Shadow, Pandora. The man who spoke tossed her a weapon, an assault rifle, while Pandora had a tactical shotgun and a mini gun. Wow, just great.

Y/n picked up the ar and narrowed her eyes looking up at Pandora. Pandora snickered while she held her mini gun. The man smiled and loudly spoke, "3, 2, 1, FIGHT!!!!" Pandora immediately began to shoot at y/n using up some bullets. Y/n dropped to the ground and rolled to the left while standing up quickly. Pandora was reloading her mini gun so y/n took this as a chance to shoot her

She shot the ar a few times and hit Pandora's stomach and arm. She ran forward and Pandora pulled out the tactical shooting y/n in the stomach. Y/n yelped slowly scooting back while Pandora walked forward a grin appearing on her face. Y/n felt the wall against her back and winced, and just as Pandora was about to shoot her, y/n pulled out her gun and shot Pandora right in the face about five times. Y/n heard a scream and then saw Pandora collapse.

The crowd gasped as the man jumped down to the arena and ran to get Pandora. Y/n dropped the gun and bolted ignoring her wounds. She made it out of the hideout and began running while she heard the yelling behind her along with a few shots that nearly hit her. She ran and ran until she comes out of Risky Reels and sees a large building surrounded by water. She looks behind her, breathes in, and jumps into the water beginning to swim.

The water turns red as her wound stains the water. She sees the building get closer but her vision becomes blurry, and before she knows it, everything turned black.

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