(7) cuddles

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Midas crawled over y/n while smirking. He kissed her roughly while beginning to take her shirt off, completely forgetting about her wounds.

Y/n passionately kissed back and worked on removing her bra, which she threw to the other side of the room. Now she was just in her shorts. Midas smiled and leaned down for another kiss, but his hand roughly went over her wound

Stopping the kiss y/n winced and pulled away, "fuck that hurt" she said as she looked at her wound which had slightly started to bleed again

Midas widened his eyes, "I am so fucking sorry y/n, let me get more bandages" he ran to the bathroom and started looking for the bandaids

Y/n put her bra back on and inspected the wound, she never realized just how ugly it looked. With red and purple, she swore she could see her insides from here

Midas came back with bandages and wrapped her wound up gently. He kissed y/n, "sorry about that, i completely forgot"

Y/n smiled, "It's alright" she turned off the lights and lay down under the blankets, quickly falling asleep

Midas looked at her and wrapped his arms around her smaller body, and went to sleep too


Y/n looked around, it was a battlefield

There was fighting in the distance, bodies all over the ground, weapons firing and the air was damp. It began to rain as if even the sky was mourning

Y/n walked forward, seeing the bodies of all the agents, her family, and some she didn't recognize. All of a sudden, something rammed into her and she fell in the ground

The person held her mouth down and looked at y/n in fear, "shhh" The girl had green and purple hair that was braided and pale skin. She was wearing a crop top and cuffed jeans, along with some colorful sneakers. However, all her clothes were bloody and torn and she had bandages wrapped around her arm/wrist area. She had paint on her face but it was mostly covered by blood and dirt

She handed y/n a gun and a few bullets that we're strapped onto her torso and waist, "Be careful, it's hell out there"

Another girl came over, with brown hair in a ponytail and bruises all over her face. She had a sports bra, black spandex and what seemed to be a thigh shawl.

She had tears in her eyes as she looked at y/n, "They're all dead, everyone. Shadow is winning, we have to run"

From the corner of her eye, y/n saw Midas's body. On the floor all bloody and torn. He was dead

Y/n started to scream and try to reach him, but the two girls kept her mouth covered and held her down, trying to not get anyone's attention

Y/m jolted awake, wincing as her wounds stung. She looked around and realized she was in Midas's room, it was all a dream. She sighed as she flopped back into bed, staying close to Midas

She would never leave his side, and she'd never let that war happen


i am so sorry for not updating! i've been busy with other stories (if you wanna check them out, they're on my profile) and i've been so stressed recently

i'll try to update at least once a week, but maybe more! thank you for reading!

Gold, Obsidian, and... Knives???حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن