(11) harry

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Y/n got out of the shower and saw Tina playing with the dog. Y/n walked over and picked up the dog looking at him

Tina smiled, "We need to pick a name and buy him his things"

Y/n nodded, "But who the fuck just left a dog in my room. They must've known I was showering and they must have a way of entering my room"

Tina frowned, "Why couldn't they leave a little note? Like fuck them"

Y/n chuckled as she cradled the puppy in her arms, "Let's go shopping. For all we know he could be starving"

Tina nodded and opened the door leaving the room. Y/n followed after her and they got into Tina's red Tesla (fancy)

*time skip*

Y/n and Tina got back to the agency and had bags full of different dog things. Y/n had put a collar and leash on the dog and had tied the other end of the leash on her leg

A few henchman offered to help and they accepted gratefully. Once everything was loaded into y/n's room she sat on her bed, "Okay we need to give him a whole lot of space"

Tina smiled, "And a name. But yes let's unpack everything"

*time skip cause i suck at writing*

Once they had finished, a corner of y/n's room was full of dog things. A bed, a food and water dispenser, toys and much more

Tina picked up the dog and looked at him, "We should name him Tina Junior"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Good suggestion, but no." Y/n thought for a moment, "Harry?"

Tina studied the dog, "I guess it matches his fur. But yes, I like that"

Y/n smiled, "Then it's decided! Let's go introduce Harry to the world! Or the agents"

They both ran down to the lounge room with Harry and y/n's arms. They opened the door and saw all the other agents there so y/n ran forward and held Harry in the air, "MEET THE GREAT HARRY"

All the agents looked up at the dog and started gasping and squealing in happiness. Peely ran forward and snatched Harry, "COME PRAISE THE GREAT LORD HARRY"

Y/n looked at the agents as they all played with Harry (after Peely put him down, of course). She saw Midas and Cora stay on the couch and she frowned

She turned her attention away from them and looked at Double Cross who was sitting back looking at the agents play with the dog

Seeker was sitting beside her saying something. Double Cross looked up at Cora and Midas and then turned back to Seeker

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and turned back to Tina, "I'm gonna go practice my aim. Never know when you'll need it"

Tina nodded, "I'll make sure Harry is good and the agents don't accidentally hurt him"

Y/n nodded and stood up going to the side. She walked out with her shotgun and lmg and then walked over to the guns room

She walked into one of the few stalls and began shooting at all the targets. She didn't need practice since she hit every shot, but this was to take out anger

Y/n dropped the guns and screamed as loud as she could. It echoed around the room and she began to punch the wall in frustration and anger

Her knuckles started bleeding but she didn't care. She continued punching the wall as tears streamed down her face

Y/n kicked the guns away and looked up at the wall, "Fucking why" she asked to no one in particular

Y/n picked up her guns and wiped her face quickly rinsing it in water. She walked out and set her guns on the side of the lounge room

Y/n went down near the agents and picked up Harry, "He's gonna go eat. I only have bowls in my room"

She walked away as the agents just looked at her. She entered her room and closed the door, setting Harry down

Y/n flopped down onto her bed and sighed. She stared at the ceiling and just closed her eyes, drifting off to a gentle sleep

Harry hopped up onto the bed and snuggled beside her going to sleep too


Okay this chapter is more of a placeholder, Harry will have an important part in this story!

This shows the built-up anger that y/n has towards Midas and Cora, and the friendship between Tina and y/n

Thanks for reading! I'll try to update more often!!

- russell

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