(6) recovery

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Y/n woke up in the medical room, again. Her head was throbbing with pain. She blinked trying to adjust to the light and saw that Midas was seated in a chair beside her, half asleep.

She nudged him with her hand and he sleepily blinked his eyes open, "Y/n! You're awake!" His eyes lit up and he sat up, "You went through severe surgery and have been knocked out for a few hours"

Y/n looked at herself and realized all the scars and wounds she had. She winced but Midas held her hand, "You just need time to recover, but you'll be able to walk around and hang with the other agents. No missions or fighting though"

Y/n smiled, "Thank you" Midas left the room and Y/n could feel butterflies all over the place. She smiled and decided to rest again

*2 hour time skip*

Y/n woke up again and checked the time, 5 pm. She groaned and sat up, her whole body aching from the bruises and cuts. She stood up and slightly wobbled and then opened the door and left. She walked down towards the kitchen hoping to get a snack to ease her hunger. Y/n grabbed a granola bar and some water and sat down on the counter eating, just staring at the wall.

Tina walked in and almost jumped, "Oh Y/n! You're awake!" She smiled with panic in her eyes. Y/n slightly laughed, "Yeah, I got hungry so I came to eat, but I finished. Might get some more water"

Tina nodded, "Okay, enjoy your water? I guess" and she left. Soon after, Midas came in and smiled, "Glad to see you up" He said, while walking to the fridge and grabbing water. Y/n laughed, "Yeah I got hungry and didn't realize how much I slept. I'm still a bit tired and bruised though"

Midas stepped forward, "Can I see? I can probably patch you up" Y/n nodded and lifted her shirt slightly showing a cut on her side. Midas grabbed a few bandages and covered the wound and when he was finished he looked up and realized how close he was to Y/n

Y/n didn't breathe for a few seconds, and it was pure silence. Just Y/n and Midas up close and staring into each others eyes. Before she could do anything Midas leaned in for a kiss, and Y/n enjoyed it. It was gentle at first but then it became rough and heated.

Midas pushed Y/n against the counter moaning as her knee pushed against him. He reached his tongue into her mouth earning a small moan from her. He accidentally touched her bruise and she whimpered. He pulled away slightly panting

Y/n smiled, "I feel much better now" and that earned a laugh from him

*30 minute time skip*

Y/n walked into the main room and all the agents were there. They yelled, "SURPRISE!!" As confetti went everywhere, music started playing. There were a lot of people there, but the agents all hung around in one spot together. They all talked and laughed and danced for about an hour.

Midas arrived, finally, and sat down near the agents. His hair was messy and he looked SMEXYYYYY. Y/n smiled and she tapped Tina, "I'm gonna go to my room, i'll be back" She left the room and went down the hall hearing footsteps behind her.

She turned the corner and was held against the cold wall. It was Midas and he immediately pulled her into a rough kiss. She smiled and pulled away, "Your room" and she went back into the kiss.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked towards his room. He unlocked it with a keycard and locked it. He gently put Y/n on the bed, making sure to not hurt her, and he slowly crawled over her smirking.

😏 😏 😏
should i make the next chapter smut? or should she stop him cause she needs to recover? no means no so he will respect it

sorry for rushing this, i have plans for the future :D

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