(9) a not so warm welcome

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All the agents had gone back to watching movies in the lounge room. However, their little movie time was cut off by a meeting called by Midas

Y/n grumbled as she stood up waited for the agents. She whispered to Tina, "Keep your grenades close"

Tina nodded and y/n strapped her shotgun on her back, just in case

They all walked to the meeting room and saw Midas sitting in his seat. And the three newcomers sitting in seats as well

Y/n slightly widened her eyes and scowled as she realized Cora was sitting in HER seat

Tina nudged y/n and signaled her to sit with her

Y/n nodded and sat beside Tina, glancing at the other agents in the uncomfortable silence

Midas broke the silence, "I have talked with all three of our newcomers and have decided they'll make fabulous agents. They are well qualified and will make a fine addition to ghost"

The agents all cheered lightly and Midas nodded to Adrian, "You may all introduce yourselves and say your agent names"

Adrian stood up, "Hello everyone, I'm Adrian Lorenzo James and my agent name is Seeker. I'm happy to be part of this team"

After him Emmerson stood up and smiled kindly, "I'm Emmerson Fleur Scott and my agent name is Double Cross. I'm excited to meet you all" She glanced at y/n on the last part

And then Cora stood up. She spoke loudly and her voice was cold compared to the others, "I'm Cora River James, Adrian's sister. Call me Yellow Jacket though"

All the agents smiled and Midas stood up once everyone sat down, "Y/n and Tina, you'll be in charge of training them and preparing them for battle. Maya you'll teach them about technology and hacking into shadow's systems. Brutus, you'll teach them about our different weapons and let them pick out their own gun"

Yellow Jacket looked up at Midas, "I'm interested in the light machine gun. It seems powerful"

Y/n tightened her fists and growled, "That's my gun, Cora"

Yellow Jacket looked over at her, "Oh, I thought you only used your shotgun. Since you did point it at my head earlier"

Y/n let out a laugh, "And you can bet your ass I'll point my lmg at your face too. And I won't hesitate to shoot"

*time skip*

Y/n and Tina walked over to the training room to wait for the new agents. Y/n put her guns to the side and looked at Tina, "We're starting with warmups and exercises, you can bet I'll make it hell for that Cora bitch"

Tina laughed, "Just wait until the actual battle training starts!"

Seeker, Double Cross and Yellow Jacket all walked in the room and stood near the doorway. Y/n motioned her hand, "Come on in, you're all in your training clothes so we'll begin with warmups and the basic exercises"

Tina nodded, "Run 10 laps around the room, 5 laps doing high knees and then 3 sets of push-ups. Go go go!"

They all began running around the big training room as Tina and y/n had timers. Y/n wrote down the times they made each lap and then studied their form while doing push-ups

Y/n walked up to Seeker and pushed his back down further with her leg, "Cmon, all the way down"

She moved over to Double Cross and adjusted her arms and hands, "Put all your weight on your arms, not your back"

( also i don't know a fucking thing about exercise or these things so if it's bad plz don't judge )

Y/n then went to Yellow Jacket and pushed her back all the way down, "Go as low as you can, we don't want any weak bitches here"

Yellow Jacket looked up at her with a glare, "Then why are you here?"

Y/n looked at her darkly, "Because I killed my way in here. You just waltzed on in, so don't expect everything to be easy"

Tina clapped her hands, "Alright that's good! Drink some water and chit chat for a bit"

Y/n walked on over and smirked at Tina. They shared a look and as the three new agents began to drink water and talk, Tina through a fake grenade at their feet and y/n began to shoot a random assault rifle in the room

Yellow Jacket jumped and immediately ran to the side leaving the training room. Seeker ran over to Double across but she just got her thigh shawl and lifted it up, creating a patterned (like her shawl, red with white skulls and flowers) shield

After a few seconds Double Cross looked up confused and realized it was a fake grenade. She lowered the shield and looked over at Tina and Y/n

Y/n looked at her with amazement and smiled, "That was a test, and you sure did pass. Yellow Jacket on the other hand, she's acting like a fucking coward"

Tina scoffed, "You can say that again. I'll go find her"

Y/n nodded and turned to Seeker and Double Cross, "Alright you did good today! That's it for today though, you can meet Brutus and Maya later today, but enjoy your afternoon"

They both nodded and were off

*time skip to later*

Tina and y/n stood in Midas's office, their faces full of disbelief and anger

Tina raised her voice, "What do you mean it was a mistake?! Yellow Jacket literally ran out of the room! Seeker and Double Cross protected each other like they should have"

Y/n glared at Midas, "Looks like you're choosing favorites huh? Soon enough our team is going to be full of weak bitches"

Midas slammed his fists in his desk, "ENOUGH! What Cora did was a simple mistake, she was scared! I'm sure she would protect her friends in an actual battle"

Y/n lowered her voice, "It doesn't matter if it's a real battle or a test, she's a fucking coward. I would risk my life for all of you in an instant, and you should expect her to do the same"

Tina rolled her eyes, "It's not use y/n. Someone is clearly blinded by love"

Y/n glanced and Midas for a second and huffed in agreement, "Yeah he is. He can't see the cowardly girl past her 'beauty'"

They both stormed out as Midas stood there angered by their foolishness. Cora was a brave agent who would never stand down to a fight and never betray them

Or so he thought


Hello! I'll try to write some more chapters today but they'll be posted tomorrow! It's the weekend so expect some more chapters!!!

Thank you for reading and I really hope you like this story so far!!!

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