(3) Oh Fuq

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Kaminari POV:                                                                                                                                                               Oh shit, I forgot to take off my binder. I've been wearing it for 13 hours now, that's not good. (Hey just a tip for my trans babies: Don't bind for more than 12 hours at a time, 8-10 hours is best. Wear it as little as possible, take breaks during the day, STRETCH, don't wear a size too small, and take it off when you're at your house or a place you feel comfortable taking it off. Hope this helps) "Hey Pikachu whatcha tugging at?" Shinso asks looking up at me. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck he can't know, he cant know. "Ummmmm just my- you know- um basically- n-nothing" I say trying to come up with an excuse. "Hey, Pikachu, just tell me. I promise I won't have a bad reaction." I grab his hand a squeeze it because I'm nervous. "I- you sure?" I ask, even though I've only just met him I would rather tell him than anybody else."Yes, I'm sure" he reassures me. "P-please don't hate me but, it's a-a binder, I'm trans" Right as I say 'I'm trans' Mina opens the door, oh fuck, she heard me.

I rush  back to the living room before Mina or Shinso can say anything. Mina walks out behind me saying stuff about how we sould get changed out of our uniforms and set up our makeshift beds. Everybody collectively decides, without saying a word, the the men change in one room and the women change in the other. oh great, just what I dreaded would happen. I take off my blazer, take off my tie,  and unbutton a few buttons (so you still can't see his binder) before tossing a shirt over my top half and unbuttoning and taking off my uniform shirt fully, I put a hoodie on and quickly take off my binder and ball it up with my shirt so nobody sees. I quickly change my pants to sweatpants and start setting up my bed. as I start setting up my bed I hear a tired voice behind me "Hey Pikachu, mind if I set up my bed next to yours?" Shinso says "Of course" I exclaim, smiling a bit wider.  

After we set up our "beds" Mina asks if she can talk to me in the other room so I follow her, hoping for the best,... but expecting the worst. "Hey Kami just so ya know, your secrete is safe with me and you can always come out on your own terms, don't worry. Next time make sure you have more than two seconds left before you tell somebody, I guess that's why you're our reckless idiot. Now let's talk about that Shinso boy" Mina says with a shit eating grin on her face at the end. "Mina as much as I appreciate you supporting me and allowing me to come out on my own terms, *flips her off* I really hate you sometimes" I say the last part in a laughing manner. We exchange hugs and she gives me a wink as I walk back over to my bed next to Shinso.    

I lay dow in my bed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my chest but also kinda sad that I don't get to tell the bakusquad all together and that mina fond out the way she did. As I'm about to fall asleep I feel a sleeping Shinso slightly roll onto me. He looked so cute when he sleeps, it's a shame he only sleeps like once a month though. Ya know what? Maybe I am gay, but I've always like girls, I can look up on that tomorrow. "G'night 'Toshi" I whisper to him as I drift off.

Time skip to the morning and Mind Fuck's POV:                                                                        

Uh this is slightly awkward, one of my arms is wrapped around Pikachu. This is what I get for sleeping, I slowly remove my arm from Den-Pikachu's waist and go get dressed. I just wear what I always do, a baggy T-shirt, an oversized purple hoodie, and some plain grey sweats. When I get back I see Pikachu packing up his stuff "Hey Pikachu" "Oh hey 'Toshi! Wanna get breakfast at a new cat café after we leave?" God he has too much energy but I do Like the new nickname "Ah I see you remembered my liking for cats, how could I say no when cats, and you, are involved." We get packed up, say our goodbyes and head to our dorms.

I remember last night "Hey Pikachu, you were tugging at your thing" I give him a look knowing that if somebody heard me say 'binder' he would be upset "so how long were you wearing it for when you took it off?" He looked kinda surprised that I asked "Just about 13 hours" he said nervously as he rubbed his neck. After he told me he was trans I decided to look up a little bit on stuff about that because he was reckless enough to do something like this. "No no no Pikachu. You're not wearing your binder today, one of my larger hoodies will probably hide Them enough for today. Be more careful, I don't want to take you to the hospital" I take off my hoodie and hand it to Denki, he has to be more careful "Don't worry about giving it back, you might need it incase you wear it for too long" "O- thanks 'Toshi"

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now