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Shinso POV:
"Hey. Hey sleepy head wake up" I lightly shake Ki, but he just stays sleeping soundly. "Ki wake u-" right as I'm about to finish my sentence none other than Ochako jumps on him, startling him awake. "What the hell Choco?" He nudges her with his elbow "You wouldn't get up, just be happy I didn't do this..." she hops on him again and starts tickling him the which he... licks her.... "Kaminari no being a rabid animal around acquaintances" I say with dis approval in my voice. "bUT SHE WAS TICKLING ME?!" He loudly exclaims. "Sh sh shhh no no licking, biting, scratching, barking, or growling" I recite the rules we had to make as Uraraka laughs at them.
"Meaniesssssss" Denki pouts "Shushh, and get your stuff packed you stinky head" she leaves and I stare at the door.

I've honestly not had any motivation or ideas recently, so I'm sorry. I thought I'd just give you this unfinished chapter. However one of my good friends (@EightRustedPenies ) is working on writing a story so I recommend checking them out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now