(5) The Poem

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Monday English class, Shinso POV:

As soon as we sat down we heard Present Mic talk using his quirk "HELLO LITTLE LISTENERS I EXPECT THAT YOU'VE FINISHED YOUR POEM! THE ASSIGNMENT WAS TO WRITE ABOUT HOW YOU FELT AT THAT TIME!" I'd finished my poem the day he assigned it. I've never told anybody but I love writing poems, they help me calm down and express my feelings (this is true for me, I really love writing poems when I'm happy/sad/whatever). "Yeah Present Mic-Sensei, I finished my poem." I say knowing he wants somebody to answer. "OH SHINSO YOUR POEMS ARE ALWAYS AMAZING, HOW ABOUT YOU READ YOURS TO THE CLASS." Oh god, this is what I really didn't want to happen "Fine here it is (By Justin Griego) "Misery, Misery. Misery and woe. How far down will this misery go? Through faulty lines. Down fault lines. Who's fault lies, beneath this miserable snow? Misery, This, misery. So miserably so. Why do you escape so miserably slow? I choked up, on choking up, your choked up song. I just want to know where did this go so terribly wrong? Hey misery. Sir Misery. Please misery, go. And take your miserable act out of this show." Are you happy?" I ask after reading off my poem. "Shinso... talk to me after class" Present Mic said in a toned down voice. "Now let's continue our lesson" Mic wasn't his usual happy self for the rest of class, he was probably just worried about me.

I walk up to his desk, he asks for my paper and I give it to him. "Hitoshi what's going on, you can always talk to me or Shouta about it." (In this Present Mic and Eraserhead are Shinso's dads) he seems genuinely worried. "Dad, it's fine. I'm fine, everything's fine. Can I go?" I ask just wanting to leave already "No 'Toshi, you're going home with me. You can tell your friends goodbye but we're leaving in 10 minuets." Kami should be by his locker so I have just enough time to say goodbye. "Hey Kami..nari" I say not sure weather it's fine for me to call him Kami "Heyo Shin, what did ya need?" He asks "I just wanted to say goodbye, I'm going home. It's about the poem I read in class." I say kinda quietly "Give me 3 minuets, I'm coming with you." he starts packing up his bag "No you don-" he cuts me off "I'm the only one you've ever actually called your friend, it's not fun going through stuff like this alone so I'm coming with you. No excuses" Before I can stop myself I hug him "Thanks Kami, that mean's a lot" he hugs me back "Oh Shin it's no problem."

We walk up to Present Mic's car and explain how Kami insisted he go and wouldn't take no for an answer and Present Mic just told us to hop in the car. The car ride back to my house was all comfortable silence. I held onto Kaminari's hand the whole time, he leaned his head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on his head. When we arrive at my house we all go up to my room to sit down. There's not much in there, just a guitar w/ some sheet notes, my bed, a desk, and some poetry journals. "'Toshi, about your poem, can you tell me a bit about it?" Present Mic asked "Yeah, so basically I felt horrible, miserable, I didn't want to feel like that everyday, and I felt like I was putting on a performance of being happy, but that was before I met somebody, and he made me genuinely smile for the first time in years." I grab Kami's hand "And he's the best friend anybody could ask for" Friend, that word felt weird, it felt wrong. "As long as you're happy now, also where did you learn to write poems like that. They're the best poems I've ever heard from one of my students." I sigh and grab three notebooks "I just write down my feelings in poems, they're all in here" I hand him the notebooks. Present Mic (I legit almost wrote "Present Mom") left saying "Just tell me if anything's wrong. I don't like having to worry about people, especially my son. Kaminari, you can stay as long as Hitoshi needs you to" Kaminari thanks Present Mic for letting him stay then he turns to me.

"So 'Toshi, you ever written a poem about me?" he asks looking into my eyes. "N-no, but I wrote you a song" I say kinda embarrased now that I didn't write a poem about him "O O O o O can I hear it?" he begs eagerly "Fine but only a bit (Trouble by Never Shout Never but genderbent) 

'I'm in trouble I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this boy
He's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl
But even worse I can't stop calling him
He's all I want and more
I mean damn,
What's not to adore' and that's all you can hear" I say putting my guitar down "Aww Shin that's so sweet- OOOOOO pretty drawings" He's so cute when he gets distracted like that- oh shit I drew a picture of him, he can't see that, I'm too lateeeee "Shinso is this me?" I just nod my head out of embarrassment "This looks amazing, can I keep it? I mean if you don't mind." I've never been complimented on my art before "Yeah you can keep it, don't sweat it." "Oh that reminds me! Here" he hands me a yellow and purple bracelet "now we can match" he says holding up his wrist and gives me the widest smile ever "God your smile is so bright I need sunglasses, ha, even though I'm not much of a jewelry person-" "oh I'm sorry I can take it back" he frantically says. "You never let me finish, I was going to say that even though I'm not much of a jewelry person I'll never take it off, I absolutely love it" I say smiling and with no warning or anything whatsoever he jumps on me and starts tickling me "That's the smile I love" he says.

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