Jackson Wang (GOT7) Blurb/Fluff

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Jackson Wang is a sneaky son of a gun.

You've known that for quite some time after spending two years with your man-child of a boyfriend.

He loves sneaking around when you're focused on something and scare the hell out of you for no reason. It doesn't help that he walks so light on his feet, you're convinced he's some kind of ninja.

There were times when his stupid prank would get out of hand and will ultimately piss you off. You're not usually a temperamental girlfriend but having Jackson as a boyfriend makes it impossible for you to remain calm 24/7. He just has his ways to push your patience to the limit until you're pulling your hair off, trying hard not to murder him.

Today is one of those days.

He'd been gone for too long, working his cute ass off to promote his solo album, design his own brand and model for some prominent others namely Fendi, Ray-Ban, Adidas... The list goes on. All these expensive brands just can't get enough of your man that they just keep giving him projects which decreases his time spent with you. Add to that, he's also hustlin' with his band members preparing for their comeback.

Jackson's career is skyrocketting and it doesn't seem like it's about to stop anytime soon.

Not to be taken incorrectly, though, you're so proud of everything he managed to achieve -- both with GOT7 and by himself. Your family knows that, your friends know that, your classmates in your PhD class know that, hell, even the stand owner of your favorite street food bar knows that! You never stop talking about your immense admiration about Jackson's hard work and perseverance, his talent and his passion to do better each day.

You cried your heart out when he sent you the unreleased photos for his Adidas project, thinking he used to be this small, lanky teen holding a pair of Adidas sneakers his parents bought him, smiling ear to ear. The one he's been begging them to buy for months to no end only to become the brand ambassador thirteen years later.

Despite all these, you cannot lie that you do miss Jackson's presence in the house whenever he's away doing his thing somewhere in the world whilst you lay alone on the cold double king-sized bed he bought for you because, "Baby, no! We don't fit in a normal king-size because you roll around in your sleep and kick me off in the process! A man needs his space, too!"

There were times you'd cry yourself to sleep because your heart hurts so much when you miss your boyfriend even if you had just spent half an hour talking to him on video call. Whenever he's gone, nothing is ever enough to ease your longing.

But whenever he's home-

"Wang Ji-Er, if you do not stop with the god damn jokes-" you use his Chinese name which you only ever use when you're seriously furious at him already.

Whenever he's at home he'd be pissing you off to no end that you'd silently wish he's away again.

"I will kick you so hard, you'd find yourself back in China!"

Jackson, cackles,  ignoring your loud ranting at his clowness after he sneaked behind you as you played your game on the phone that cost you a round.

"Look what you've done! I lost to this arrogant tween dweeb!" You pointed out as the bold words on the screen tells you so, as if taunting you from being defeated. Your shrilly grunting fills the room as you flail your legs against the couch when your opponemt begins dissing you.

Your boyfriend approaches you through crawling on the carpet as he struggles from too much laughing. Tears verge on the corner of his bright eyes. "I'm sorry, baby." He shakily said as he attempts not to laugh again but alas.

You glare at him with sharp eyes making him back off. Then, you stomped your way to the bedroom where you challenged your opponent to a re-match.

Minutes later, you feel the side of the bed dip behind you. You elected to ignore Jackson whilst he runs his fingers up and down your bare waist.

When he comes to spoon you, you feel the heat of his naked torso.

Jackson begins to place pecks on your shoulder and your arm. "Baby, I'm sorry. Are you angry?"

You roll your eyes thinking, obviously!

"Babe... Please." He whines like a baby, slightly shaking you to gain attention. "Do you hate me?"

"Fuck off, Ji-Er."

You could see him pout from the reflection he makes on your darkened screen.

He continues to nip on your skin which you never really made an attempt to shake off. Even if you're mad at him, you can't say no to his kisses.

He moves closer to you, wrapping an arm around your flawed stomach. The coldness of his white gold bracelet almost made you wince as you continue to play the game.

To your luck, your man stays quiet for the rest of the round. This time, you win. It lifts your mood but you do not let him see it.

"Yay..." He quietly murmurs against your ears. His warmth and his smell made you so comfortable that you felt like you're sinking into the bed. Jacksom kisses your forehead and says, "My baby won! Suck our ass, you dweeb!"

"I'm still mad at you."


You let out a heavy sigh before putting your phone on the nightstand and laying on your back, arms crossed over your chest and a frown prominemt on your features.

You glare at him. "You know why I'm mad?"

He pouts and looks down the baby blue sheets, "Because I'm a clown."


"Because I scared you and you lost the game."


His face contorts into a confused look, "There's more?"

Without changing your expression, you replied. "No, that's it. Glad you know your faults."

Jackson smiles, burying his face on the crook of your neck. In a muffled voice, he apologises again. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again when you're playing a game."

"You better not do it again any other time or else-"

"I was just having fun because I missed you."

His words made your hard expression melt. You completely forgot that like you, Jackson also suffers when he's not with you.

Immediately, you pull his face up parallel to yours. "I missed you, my clown-ass baby."

Jackson smiles against your lips once you kisses him. He's like a kid on Christmas.

"I'm hungry." You blurt out when you pull away making him laugh from your randomness.

He begins to pepper you sloppy and sensual kisses on the neck and you chest, making sure he leaves marks where people can see. "If you let me fuck you hard and good, I'll buy you anything." The abrupt change on his tone made you shiver.

You suddenly sit up and retorted. "What am I, a whore? Sex in exchange of food?!"

Jackson begins to panic. "Wh- N-No, baby that's not what I- Wait, what're you doing?"

His head tilts slightly as you snap your bra open and slide you panties off. You push him against the matress and hover over him to lick a bold stripe from the bottom of his neck up to his chin making him groan in satisfaction albeit confused.

"What?" He hums quietly as he looks at you.

Leaning to his ears, you sultrily whispered. "Buy me Burger King."

Your seductive request cracks your boyfriend up so hard that both of you exhausted yourselves laughing rather than from sex.

"You know what, I'll buy the whole restaurant if you want me to." Then, he takes a dive to kiss you long and hard.

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