Oh Sehun (Part 1)

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You knew Oh Sehun as that scrawny, shy little boy in your hometown. That squeaky boy from the house down the first block from yours.

Once, you were in tenth grade, his cousin who was in the same year as you were told you that, "Sehun, my baby cousin. He's head over heels for you! I've been seeing him every morning peeping from his window, waiting for you to walk by so he can walk right behind you. Ain't he cute?"

"Yeah, he is. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to him on the bus."

"Do that. Maybe you can talk him out of his shyness."

The next day you passed by their house and wave at Sehun who must have passed out in his room because you waited for five minutes for him to peek out of his window again but he never did.

In twelfth grade, a new family moved in your neighborhood. The Kang Family is a small one with only the mother, father and one daughter who's about seven years old then. That family began the yearly tradition of holding a huge neighborhood Christmas party, which, to this day, they still hold.

It has been ten years since you visited your family home. Things got too busy since you went to college, then law school, then you started to work in a law firm in the city. For the first time in ten years, you're home and you're attending the Kang Family's Christmas party.

Your parents texted you an hour ago that they're already at the Kang's. Meanwhile, you were stuck in traffic which is why you ran very, very late.

There you stood on the porch of your neighbor's house, a bottle of wine in one hand and a bottle of whiskey on the other.

You had on a maroon wool coat, sparkly, one-sleeved shirt tucked inside a white pair of cropped jeans and a pair of red platform pumps.

It's the most festive outfit you had left in your closet after you replaced your wardrobe with suits and dress pants and work skirts that you usually wear everyday.

You ring the bell twice and waited for a minute before the door is opened by your own mother who stands before you wearing a flashy gold dress and a ton shit of diamond and gold accessories that could buy you a new apartment overlooking the Han River if you sold them. Her shoulder-length hair is curled to perfection and her fingernails polished to the usual bright red lacquer shade.

Your mother is the poster image of a rich, old snob who goes around judging everyone but herself with a Birkin perpetually hanging on her forearm.

She gives you a once over first before saying, "Well, at least you don't dress like a whore anymore. Except for those... Stripper shoes."

Great, you thought. After so many months not having to talk to you or see you, the first thing your mother calls you is a whore with stripper shoes. You are once again reminded why you don't like visiting home or talking to your judgmental, snotty family.

Your mother takes the bottles out of your hands but you take back the bottle of whiskey. "No, this one's mine."

Her expression is perplexed, "You're not drinking the whole bottle by yourself. Have you completely turned yourself into a raging alcoholic?"

"If I have to put up with you and dad, then I would need it." You said with a low voice before passing by her and inviting yourself inside.

You don't let her catch up to you and immediately greeted the hosts of the party.

"Merry Christmas, Ajummah." You say with a huge smile on your face as you greeted the matriarch of the house.

Mrs. Kang jumped from her seat and hugged you, "Oh, Y/N! Oh, darling you're so beautiful! I'm so glad you made it!"

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