That's Not how You do it, Stupid (Kai&Nya)

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Requested by Nya_ninjago_fangirl

Some Kai and Nya sibling fluff

Set before S1


Nya accidentally fumbled with the hammer, resulting in a lopsided blow to the sword she was currently working on. She blew a strand of hair off her forehead in frustration.

Kai glanced over from his side of the shop. "That's not how you do it, stupid," he said.

Nya rolled her eyes in mock annoyance. "Well duh."

"Watch and learn, little sis," Kai said, heating up his forge. Moving at the speed of sound, he grabbed a block of metal off a rack and a hammer, setting the latter onto an anvil.

I'm sorry I don't know how blacksmithing works

He stuck the metal into the hot forge, rotating it until the metal glowed red-hot. Taking it out, Kai placed it onto an anvil and hammered it into the thin shape of a katana. When he was satisfied, he plunged the metal into the cauldron of water, then held up his creation proudly.

Nya snickered. Her brother was such a show-off, but he still needed a little work. "Uh, bro, look at what you're holding."

Kai looked up at his hand, in which was a bent and deformed piece of metal. "Ugh. Bent it again."

He tossed it into a bucket for reforging.

"Right," Nya said, smirking evilly. "That's not how you do it, stupid."


Sorry it was so short!

Next one up is Kailor, so stay tuned!

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