One Dance (Kia)

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Wasn't requested but we need some Kia (Kai x Lia) so this one's for Oliaxa

I'm sorry but also not sorry :)

Also mentioned Jaya and Lloyliza

They're all over the legal drinking age at this time


It was a warm summer night. The ninja were hanging out at Laughy's Club. Eliza had invited her friends Ali, Gracie, and Lia along. The mistress of air was currently sitting in the corner of the room, watching everyone else. Even though she was a loner by default, tonight her goal wasn't to spend all the time alone. She was just waiting for the perfect opportunity...

"Psst!" A voice hissed.

She glanced over to the side, seeing Ali and Gracie. Ali motioned for Eliza to join them, which she did.

"So... what's going on?" Eliza asked.

Gracie tossed her head in the direction of Lia, who was chatting with Kai at the bar. "They've been flirting all night."


"We're gonna set them up!" Ali said excitedly.

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "We are?"

"Yep!" Gracie said. "We've already got a plan-"

Ali dropped a huge stack of papers to the floor. "That's the plan."

"Uh..." Eliza knelt down and picked one up. "Why are there so many papers?"

"These things take preparedness, cupcake." Ali said.

"Oh, don't you start with that nickname too."

The three laughed, then started putting the plan into motion.

Half an hour later, Eliza was standing by the edge of the stage. Lloyd came up to her, holding two shotglasses. He extended one to her.

"Whatever you're about to do, this is a club. Pre-game it," he said, winking.

Eliza smiled and downed the drink. She normally didn't like alcohol, but a little bit on a night out wouldn't hurt.

Lloyd took his shot and set the glass on the edge of the stage. "So... what are you about to do?"

"You see them?" Eliza asked, pointing to where Lia and Kai were still chatting over some drinks. "Ali, Gracie, and I are gonna set them up."

"Kai and Lia?"


"Oh- yeah, they have been flirting all night," Lloyd said. "What's the plan?"

Eliza rolled her eyes. "Nosy, are ya?"

"You don't have to tell me-"

"I'm going up there and singing something- a love song. Meanwhile, Gracie and Ali are gonna encourage them to dance, and who just happens to be there but the person they've been flirting with all night?"

"Wow- that's genius."

"It was Ali's plan," she said, smirking.

Dareth came up to the air ninja holding a guitar. "You're up, buttercup."

She took the guitar and laughed. "I'm already cupcake, why am I buttercup too?"

Dareth shrugged and left.

"Go rock 'em," Lloyd said.

"Thanks. Find someone to dance with!"

"Oh no, I'm good."

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