Birdhouse (Bruise)

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Got some Bruise (platonic)


"Cole?" Jay asked, walking into the courtyard. "What are you doing?"

The earth ninja was sitting by a pile of wood and a few carpentry materials. He turned a page over in his hands. "Making a birdhouse. Well... trying to make a birdhouse."

"Dude, it's not that hard," Jay said, sitting by him. He took the manual and threw it over his shoulder, conveniently, into the smoldering remains of a campfire that Kai had lit earlier for roasting marshmallows. "Don't need those-"

"Uh," Cole said, but Jay had set to work. "Okay then."

"See, you just take this and this and do that-"

"Jay, I don't think that's how it works."

"Are you kidding, I could do this with my eyes closed!"

Cole was bracing himself for the moment Jay hit himself with the hammer.

It had been an hour. Cole was laying on his back, watching the birds and clouds above him.

"Are you done yet?" He asked, for like the millionth time. Well, it had been an hour. "How long does it take to make a birdhouse?"

He was answered with a loud "GAH!"

Cole sat up. He knew that Jay would hit himself with the-

Instead, he saw Jay throw the hammer to the side. The pile of wood didn't look like it had been touched.


"HOW DO YOU USE A HAMMER?!" The lightning ninja screeched.

"... I don't know."


Well, that was stupid!

Peace out

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