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Betty's p.o.v
I put my arm next to me on the bed only to feel an empty space. I opened my eyes to see that jug wasn't there. I looked over at the clock that read 6:30. Suddenly I heard Juliet start to cry. I let out a loud sigh and got out of bed, heading down the hall to Juliet's room. I opened the door to see Juliet in her little onesie kicking the air. Is soon as I got to the crib she stopped kicking and making grabby hands signaling that she wanted to be picked up. "Shh, shh, it's ok, it's ok" I said picking her up as she was still crying, so I decided to get her pacifier. I cradled her in my arms while she kept crying. I took her to the kitchen and grabbed her bottle out of the fridge.

When I picked up the bottle I saw a little note. It said:
Morning my beautiful Betty
I'm sorry I left so early
but I made you some eggs
and bacon
I'll be back at 11
Love you❤️
I smiled at the note and went over to the living room and sat in the empty armchair and slipped the pacifier out of her mouth and replaced it with her bottle. I heard creaking coming from the stairs. I looked over to where I saw a tired Veronica holding little Jake on one hip and Cecilia on the other. "Morning V," I said with a smile as she came down the stairs. "Morning B, she said, returning the smile. "How's little Juliet?" She said, heading into the kitchen. She came back out of the kitchen with two bottles one under her chin and the other one in her hand. "Looks like you got your hands full" I said as she sat down. "Where's Archie?" I asked. "Oh, he left for an early shift at the construction site" she said as she started to feed Cecilia and Jake. We talked for a little bit then set the kids on the floor so they could all play together.

We talked and watched the kids play until I heard the door open. Everyone's heads turned to the doorway to see Jug and Archie coming through the door laughing at a Joke that one of them made. "Hey guys!" I said, pulling Juliet onto my lap. "Hey guys" Jug said, heading into the living room. "Hey" I said with a smile as he kissed my forehead before picking up Juliet who was reaching for him. "Hello to you too" he said as Juliet made a gummy smile at him and started to make baby noises.i stood up and made my way into the kitchen to see jug playing with Juliet, who was sitting on the counter. As soon as Archie saw me come in he walked out of the kitchen and over to the living room. Jug didn't seem to hear me come in, he was too busy playing with his favourite baby girl. I smiled as I slowly made my way across the kitchen and over to him. I wrapped my arms around him. "Hey baby" I whispered into his ear. I let go of him and moved to the side of him so we were both facing Juliet. "I was out with the serpents" he said, putting his arm around me. "What were you doing with the serpents?" I asked, wondering where he could possibly be going so early. It's not that important" he said. "Oh and I almost forgot..." he said. "Happy birthday" he said with a smile. I returned the smile and gave him a sweet kiss. "Thank you" I replied with a smile. Just then Juliet started to make baby noises. We turned to her and smiled. "I'm gonna go and get Juliet dressed" he said before picking her up and giving me a peck on the lips then going upstairs. I sat there wondering what he wasn't telling me.

Jughead's p.o.v
I took Juliet upstairs, trying to avoid Betty's question. The reason that I was out so early was because it was Betty's Birthday and I planned something special for her with the rest of the serpents. I got Juliet dressed in:

I came downstairs to see Betty and everyone talking and sitting in the living room. I walked into the living room with Juliet in my arms. Once I sat down next to Betty on the couch I handed her Juliet. A few hours later we all put the kids to bed and went downstairs. Betty was still putting Juliet to bed and Archie and Veronica were sitting in the living room on the couch beside me. "Hey guys there's something that I've been meaning to talk to you about" I said in a hushed tone. "Yeah what is it" Veronica asked leaning towards me, along with Archie. "Well the serpents and I have been planning a special birthday surprise for her and want to know if we can use your speakeasy" I said to Veronica. "Of course Jughead," she replied. "And...I'll help you decorate too," she added "I will also start to call all of our friends when Betty is done with jules" she said. "Ok that's perfect" I said.

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