Age 13 & 14

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Juliet's p.o.v
The last bell had just rang and Nicole and I were at our lockers that were right beside each other, along with Cherry and Cecilia's too. We were talking when suddenly we heard. "OMG JJ!!!" we turned our heads to see Cecilia and Cherry walking towards us. "What is it now?" I said with a giggle seeing how excited she was. "You have a crush on Jake!?!" Cecilia said. "Cherry!" I said looking at Cherry with a why did you do that face.

"Sorry, she forced me to tell her" Cherry said. "And since I told her who you like...Cecilia likes Cole!" Cherry blurted out. "Cherry!" Cecilia shouted at her. "Fair is fair" Cherry Said. "Well since we're talking about it...Nicole likes Canny!" Cecilia blurted out. "Cc!" Nicole shouted at Cecilia. Suddenly Jake appeared behind Cherry and Cecilia. "Hey guys, meet us in the blue and gold" he told us. "Ok we'll be there in a minute" Cecilia said to him before he walked away. Everybody turned to me. "What?" I said closing my locker. I could feel myself blushing.

"Yeah we are so gonna get you two together" Cherry said, closing her locker. "Ok, and how are you going to do that?" I asked sarcastically, crossing my arms. "You have to confess how you feel," Cecilia added. "I don't know, what if he doesn't feel the same?" I said unsure of myself. "Oh come on, I've seen the way he looks at you" Nicole added. "Ok fine, I'll do it, but you guys have to do it too" I said. "Fine" they all agreed as we walked to the blue and gold.

Jake's p.o.v
As I walked away from the girls I looked behind me once more at Juliet when I felt someone's hand on my back "hey bro what are you looking at" I heard coles voice. "UMM...NOTHING" I said quickly looking away. "Are you looking at the girls?" He asked with a smirk as we started walking the other direction. "Maybe" I replied as we reached the blue and gold where Canny was waiting for us. "Come on tell me! Which one do you like?" Cole said as we entered the room. "Are you guys talking about who he likes?" Canny asked us as soon as he heard us come in. "Isn't it obvious, he totally likes Jules" he said. "DUDE!" I shouted at him. "You like my sister!?!" Cole said in shock.

"It's so obvious from the way you look at her," Canny said. "Or should I say creepily stare?" Cole joked. I playfully punched his arm. "Oh shut up, you do the same with my sister, yeah I've noticed" I said to Cole. "Shut up," he said. "I also know that you like Nicole," Cole said to Canny. "Whatever," Canny said, rolling his eyes, when suddenly the girls walked in. "Why did you guys want to meet us here?" Juliet asked, sitting on the couch next to her brother. "We...have some news," I said, sitting on the desk in front of all of them. "Is it good or bad?" Cecilia asked. "It's not great," I replied. "What is it?" Juliet asked. "Well me and Cole found out..." "that you guys are moving" Cole said to Cecilia. "What? Where?" Cecilia asked shocked.

"Just next door," I said. "That means that we're not gonna share a room anymore" Juliet said sadly to Cecilia. "When do you guys move?" Juliet asked me. "Today, my dad just finished putting everything in the house," I explained to them. "Oh" Cecilia said looking down. "Anyways on a less sad note the girls and I were wondering if you guys wanted to go to walk to pop's" Juliet asked.

Juliet's p.o.v
The boys all looked at each other then back at us. "Sure...we should Text our parents first" Jake said as we all got our phones out. Once we texted our parents we walked out of the blue and gold and over to pop's. Once we got there we sat in a booth and ordered our milkshakes. "How are we gonna pay for this?" I asked as pop handed us our milkshakes. "Don't worry, I stole this 100 dollar bill from my mom" Cherry said waving a 100 dollar bill in front of her face.

"Come on are you gonna do this or not?" Cecilia whispered, nudging me. "Ok, ok" I said. I looked over at Jake then took a deep breath before standing up. Once I stood up everybody looked at me. "Umm...Jake, can I talk to you outside for a minute" I asked him. "Yeah sure" he said getting up. He followed me outside to the parking lot. "I...need to tell you something, but I don't know how to say this," I said, really nervous. He could obviously tell so he took my hands in his. "Jules, what is it?" He asked as we stared into each other's eyes. The next thing I knew I grabbed him by the face and kissed him.

He pulled away in shock. "Jules...I..." before he could say anything else I spoke. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that" I said, turning away from him. Before I could walk away he cupped my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me. We stayed like that for a couple seconds before slowly pulling away. Our foreheads rested on each other as we smiled at each other. "So..." I said, pulling away. "So..." he replied. "What are we now?" I asked him. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked with a smile. "Yes 100%" I said softly with a huge smile across my face as we hugged. We looked in the direction of the diner through the window to see our friends quickly looking away from us. We let out a little chuckle before heading back inside.

As I sat down beside Cecilia all the girls squealed in excitement. I looked over at the boys to see that they were playfully punching Jake in the arm. "If you hurt my sister I will hurt you" I heard Cole say to Jake. I just kept laughing at how excited they were. "Ok, ok," I said, getting the girl's  attention." Your turn" I whispered to Cecilia. "Ok" she said full of confidence. "Hey, um Cole do you want to sit with me over there?" She said pointing to the empty booth across from us. "Um...sure" he said as they got up and left to go sit at the booth by themselves.

Cecilia's p.o.v
Cole and I got up and sat at the empty booth across from where we were sitting before. "Cole, I have something I really want to tell you," I said to him. "I also have something to tell you," he said as I got up and sat right next to him in the booth. We stared into each other's eyes before he leaned in and kissed me. "I like you" he said after we pulled apart. "I really like you too," I replied. We then heard cheering from our friends who we forgot were right beside us. We both let out a little chuckle. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes!" I said, really excited, before walking back over to the table with our friends.

Nicole's p.o.v
As Cecilia and Cole sat back down, Cherry, Juliet, and I all started squealing in joy. The boys punched and teased each other. Suddenly all the girls turned to me. Luckily for me I got a text from my dad, telling me that I needed to be home soon so I better start walking. "Sorry guys I've gotta go" I said standing up and starting to walk out of the diner. "Let me walk you home I heard from behind me. I turned around only to be faced with Canny. "Yeah let him walk you home" Cecilia said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah sure you can walk me home" I said sweetly as we left the diner.

We were walking in silence until I said something to break it. "So...I have something important to tell you," I said to him. "Sure, what is it?" He said. I suddenly stopped in my tracks and he stopped too. "Hey, what is it?" What's wrong?" He asked. I then cupped his cheeks and his hands went to my waist. "I really like you," I said. "I really like you too," he said, shocked. We both leaned in and kissed. We stayed like that for a few seconds, until we finally broke apart. "So...are we boyfriend and girlfriend now? or?" I said as he chuckled.

"Do you want us to be?" He asked with a smile. "Yes very much so" I said with a smile. "Ok, I guess it's official" he said, leaning in to kiss me again. After we broke apart we walked all the way back to my place. "Thank you for walking me home," I said to him as we approached the door step. "Your welcome" he said before I leaned in and gave him a small peck. "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow," I said before going inside.

Juliet's p.o.v
It was getting late and was almost dark outside. Everyone had already gone home and it was just Jake and I left. "We should start heading home," I said, getting up out of the booth. "Yeah, I'll walk you home," he said, standing up. We walked out of the diner and all the way home, hand in hand. Once we approached the door step we turned to each other "thank you for the best night ever I said with a big smile. "No problem" he said before we both leaned in and kissed. We stayed like that for a few seconds until we finally broke apart. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said. "See you tomorrow" I said before going inside and closing the door behind me. I leaned up against the door and let out a loud sigh.

"What are you sighing about?" I heard Cole's voice, which made me jump. "Oh, shut up" I said. "Where did your little girlfriend go?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. "Shut up" he said before I headed up the stairs into my room. I opened the curtains to see Jake walking around in front of the window that was across from mine. I got out my phone and started to text Jake.

Jules💖: hey, look out your window.

I looked out the window to see him waving at me. I waved back at him. I laid down on my bed and thought to myself  "this moving thing is gonna be just fine"

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