T/W: Mentions of suicide

Laf dimly registered the knocking on the door, but he didn't move. It's not that he couldn't...it was that he didn't want to.

"Laf? Can I come in?"

MERDE! It was Hercules. Laf pushed himself up on his elbows with an effort.

"Laf? Are you there?" Laf could hear the anxious tone in the Irishman's voice, and he had an odd sensation in his chest. Almost like...sadness? Worry?

Weakly, Laf called, "Just a minute, mon ami. Got to get some things out of the way."

He rinsed the blood off the knife and wiped up the drops on the kitchen floor. Then he threw on the first sweatshirt he could find to cover the gauze on his wrists and opened the door, putting a little smile on his face.

"Hey, Laf. What...are you doing?" Hercules asked, almost like he knew exactly what Laf had been doing.

"Just...cleaning up. You know. Stuff. Here and there," Laf lied.

"Okay. Did you get cold? Really, really cold?"

"Uh, what?"

Hercules burst into laughter and it made Lafayette blush a little. "That's my sweatshirt."

"Oh Mon Dieu, I'm sorry, mon ami. Here, let me give it-"

"Keep it. It looks good on you."

Now Laf was blushing a lot.

"I just...we need to get you a therapist, Laf. Someone you can talk to."

"Non. I'm fine. It was a stupid idea."

"Suicide? Suicide was a stupid idea? So what, you were just going to untie the knot as soon as you felt like it? Laf."

"Hercules, I don't need help. I'm fine."

"You're fine. Really?"

"Oui. I'm fine."

"No. You're not. Laf, if I have to force you to talk to someone, I will. You would be..." Herc's voice cracked. "You would be dead if I hadn't found you."

Laf was silent for a long time. Then he said, "The only person I could ever talk to was you."

Now Hercules was red. "Then talk to me."

"Then come to the couch and we can talk."

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed

ED :)

Baguette and Tailor: A Mullette FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now