The Arrival

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-Eri's POV-

7:42 am, Saturday

It was the morning of when I would arrive at the high school Deku and Lemillion attended. I will admit, I was quite aghast to go to U.A., especially if there were bad guys or mean people there. I mostly hoped everyone was nice, and I'd be able to see the two who saved me.

Since the hospital was very dull, all I could do was think to myself and stare out of the window into the sky or the garden and it's assorted flowers. I liked admiring at the clouds, inspecting them specifically and thinking of what shape they could be in. I kept doing this until Mr. Aizawa entered my hospital room.

"Good morning Eri." He announced, looking up at the clock. My eyes brightened up, thinking the time had approached us already. "It's 7:00am, you know what that means?" He smiled. I clenched my fists together and grinned from ear to ear, gasping.

"I'm being discharged!!" He nodded, closing his eyes and giving me a small smile after seeing my excitement. "I'm so excited to get to meet everyone and see Deku and Lemillion and the froggy girl and the girl with the brown hair!! And that guy with the cool spiky red hair. I wonder what it feels like..." I thought, questioning and overthinking many things of what I could remember.

All I knew is that I couldn't wait a second longer.

-Deku's POV-

7:16am, Saturday

I arose with the sun as my alarm rang in my ears repetitively, my first thought going to Eri's arrival. I knew that she would be here around 9:30, so I went ahead and tidied up my room so then she could have somewhere enjoyable to sleep. I hid some of my All Might merchandise, because I didn't have a clue whether or not Eri liked him, or even knew who he was.

By the time I finished cleaning everything up and preparing things for Eri, It had already been 7:56, so I rushed over to the washroom, got myself ready within seven minutes, and then there was nothing else left I could do. However, I began to think of what happened last night, and that I made candy apples with Uraraka and Tsu. I checked in the refrigerator to see if they were still stored in there, and luckily they were. However, I had an idea of how I could make the apples better. I snatched some plastic wrap from one of the cabinets, and made my way back to my dorm room. I grabbed my markers, and got to drawing. I made some pink, yellow, and blue designs on the plastic wrap to make it fun and enjoyable for the young child. Once I finished up all the designs, I grabbed some red ribbon from one of my drawers, and ran back to the kitchen. I went into the fridge, and carefully took the prettiest candy apple I could see. I wrapped the presents made plastic around the apple, and sealed it up by making a red bow at the beginning of the white stick. I smiled of admiration at my creation, and went to my bedroom to hide it.

Before I knew it, everyone had already woken up and got prepared for the day. It was 9:16, and only fourteen minutes until Eri would arrive at the dormitory.

"Are you guys ready?!!" Uraraka squealed, holding a fist as high in the air as she could. The class loved how pumped up she was, and copied her actions by punching a fist in the air with a grin.

"Yeah!!" She turned around to everyone else, a serious look in her face.

"I SAID ARE YOU GUYS READY?!!" Everyone was shocked by her sudden outburst, but they still cheered along with her.

"YEAH!!" Everyone screamed, a bit nervous about what she would do next. However, I just giggled at how adorable she was, and smiled. We all stayed gathered in the kitchen and common area, and then we all shifted our heads to the huge doors as they were creaked wide open, seeing the little girl in a red dress and light brown boots, staring around at everything and everyone with admiration.

"Everyone, this is Eri. As you know she'll be living here now. Make her feel welcome and act appropriately around her." Mr. Aizawa announced, then leaving us to be. We all surrounded around Eri, introducing ourselves all at once. However, Iida and I weren't so comfortable with this.

"Everyone!! Back away from the girl!" Iida yelled, then everyone turned his head to his direction. "She's probably very nervous since she hasn't had the best experience in the past." Everyone nodded, realizing how foolish they seemed. "Perhaps we can all sit in a circle, and take turns saying our names and something we like or something interesting about us." The class agreed with this idea, and we all say in a circle. Eri rushes over to me, and clenched onto the bottom of my shirt while I gently patted her head.

"It's okay Eri, everyone here is super nice! You'll get to know them in no time." I cheered, hoping I lifted up her spirits. She shyly nodded her head, avoiding eye contact by staring at the floor.

"O-Okay..." She whispered, and sat down next to me, clutching onto my hand.

"Eri, do you want to go first?" I whispered back to her. I felt her fragile hands begin to tremble, however she nodded and stood up shaking, staring back at the flooring.

"H-Hi, I'm Eri a-and I... um..." she looked down to me, and I smiled at her, letting her know she can do this. "...I-I like apples..." She plopped back down, holding back onto my hand.

"You did wonderful Eri! I like apples too!" Uraraka grinned, while Eri stared over at her, her eyes shining. And thankfully, Eri was able to crack a smile.

Everyone then went around, saying things about them. For some, I learned a lot more, meanwhile for others I already anticipated their fun fact. For example, I already knew that Uraraka liked mochi, and Aoyama liked anything as dazzling as himself. Or at least, that's how he put it.

"Alright everyone, excellent work! Now, you may do whatever you like, I guess." Iida got up, and headed over back to his dorm room to study (like always). A few people also went back to their rooms, however Uraraka made her way over to Eri and I.

"Hi Eri! So you like apples right?" She nodded her head, not feeling as intimidated as she was with others. "Well, Deku and I have a surprise for you!" Her eyes widened.

"A surprise..?" She mumbled. The two of us nodded our heads, and she grabbed onto both of our hands, while I lead the way. The three of us entered my dorm room, and the brunette covered the younger ones eyes while I grabbed the apple. Uraraka removed her hands, and made jazz hands.

"Surprise!!" The two of us exclaimed in sync, while her eyes glowed. "It's a candy apple! Have a taste!" I handed the apple to her, while she trembled, gently taking it from my scarred hands.

"Thank you..!" She transferred the apple to her left hand, and hugged both of us, squeezing all three of us together. "C-Can you open this Deku?" She gave it back to me, and I gently untied the rose colored bow, the plastic falling onto the floor.

"Here you go!" She bit into the apple, gasping.

"Wow..! That's really yummy!!" She bounced, biting into the apple once more. "Can we sit down on your bed Deku?" I nodded, the three of us sitting on the bed. Eri crawled up by my pillow, and sat crisscross in the corner. We all sat in kind of a triangle position, but we were all really close together.

"I'm glad you like it!" Uraraka smiled, gazing at how happy the child was. The rest of the day, we all hung out together. We played games, watched a movie, talked, it was the most fun I had in a while. However, as the time continued to pass by, I realized something very important. I didn't speak up about it though, I decided to wait until I let Mr. Aizawa know.

At the end of the day, Uraraka and I tucked Eri into bed, and the zero-gravity user went back to her dorm. Meanwhile, I got prepared for the night as Eri drifted off to sleep. By the time I was completely finished, the six year old was in a deep sleep. Without waking her, I got cozied up in the bed, glad that the girl was finally safe and happy.

word count: 1480 words!

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