A Bruise

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-Deku's POV-

9:44am, Saturday

I woke up to realize that Uraraka and I weren't in the same position as last night. I was laying on my side while the brunette had her arms and legs all laid out, her mouth open by the slightest. I stared at her beauty, and decided to go ahead and get ready for the day. I took a quick rinse in the shower, and did my morning hygiene. While I was getting ready to open up the bathroom door, my new roommate swung it open, her eyes dragging her down. However, her eyes widened incredibly as she stared at my shirtless body.

"Gah!! I-I'm so sorry-" She began to ramble, her face beet red.

"No no, it's fine. I'm only shirtless, so it's all cool. I mean, we're probably gonna have to get used to this, I guess." Her blush toned down a bit, adding on to her adorable face.

"O-Okay!" We awkwardly stood there, until I chuckled, gesturing for her to come in. Flustered, she rambled in while I made my way out, putting on some casual clothing. I made my way to the kitchen, and started preparing poached eggs with toast and butter. I decided to make five slices of toast. Two for me and Ochaco, and one for Eri since I knew she couldn't hold that much in her stomach. I gently opened the door, holding a tray in my hands with a cup of apple juice for the little girl. I placed it down on the desk, and knocked on the bathroom door to check up on Uraraka. She yelped, and I heard a loud thud come from behind the door. Violently, I swung open the door, concerned for the girl I had feelings for. And there I saw her, slipped on the floor with a bottle of lotion right by her leg. She had a dark purple bruise, but the only emotion she really showed was by raising her eyebrows and staring intensely at the bruise.

"Holy woah Ur-Ochaco are you okay?!" I asked her as she attempted to get up on her own.

"Y-Yeah I'm f-fine... gah!!" She grabbed onto her leg, clutching her teeth together. My eyes widened, and without hesitation I picked her up in bridal style, and carried her onto the bed. Flustered, she stared at me, her cheeks painted a rosy pink. I inspected her bruise, then looked back up at her.

"How badly does it hurt on a scale of 1-10?" She thought for a quick second.

"If I'm being honest... I-I'd say about a nine." She stuttered, avoiding eye contact with me. I left off to grab a bandaid and Neosporin, and arrived by carefully placing the bandaid over her severe bruise. "Deku..." I stopped to look back up at her chestnut eyes. "It's only a bruise, I don't need a bandaid." I sighed.

"It looked really bad though, and I want to help you..." She began to blush, and covered her cheeks with her palms.

"Okay.." I finished with the bandaid, and made sure she was able to walk good enough without feeling any pain. However, she still didn't have enough strength to move her leg. I grabbed the tray with the eggs and toast on it, and gave a plate and fork to her.

"Here, I made this for the three of us! I'll wake up Eri now." I walked over to the girl's bed, and gave her shoulder a soft tap. She turned around, her eyes halfway open. "Hey Eri," I whispered gently. "it's time to get up. I made breakfast." She yawned and stretched massively, while I gave her the plate of her food and the cup of apple juice. She stared carefully at the beverage, and raised an eyebrow.

"What's this...?" I softly giggled.

"Try it! I bet you'll love it." She took a tiny sip out of the glass, and she gasped with a grin. She began to chug it down, but stopped about halfway.

"Mmm!! What is that?" She asked, licking her lips.

"Apple juice!!" I exclaimed.

"No wonder it's so sweet!!" She took one more sip down. "Can I sit on your bed with you and Mama?" I nodded brightly, picking up her plate and juice so we didn't risk her spilling it somewhere. Eri hopped on the bed in between Ochaco and I, and playfully munched down into her toast, while us two began eating with her.

Time passed, and the zero-gravity user still didn't feel well. So, I decided to go out to the grocery store with Eri for a sweet surprise.

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab some groceries with Eri, we'll be right back!" Eri leaped onto my back, and we ran off to the nearest grocery store. I opened the door for Eri, and she grabbed onto my unoccupied hand as we made our way through the minuscule store. "Okay, what do you think Mama would like?" I could tell a few people stared at us, since it looked like I was a young teenager who had a child. She dragged me around, and showed me a few things. She grabbed matcha mochi, a CALPICO strawberry drink, pocky, and assorted flowers that were shades of pink, red, and some white. I paid, and rushed back to the dormitory. Eri held onto the flowers, while I kept a single grocery bag in my hand. We finished running our errand within thirty minutes (including the time it took to get there and back home), and we prepared a little surprise for Ochaco. I decided to keep it in the grocery bag, since it wasn't anything fancy. Eri burst through the door, holding the flowers as hugh as she could.

"Surprise!!" We yelled in sync. Uraraka covered her mouth, and wiped away a happy year.

"You guys!!! Aww, you didn't have to do that." I giggled, and made my way over to her.

"We wanted you to feel better." I blushed at the adorable girl in front of me who was laughing at my cheesiness. We handed her the goodies, and she loved them all.

"Thank you guys so much!!" She wrapped us into a humongous hug, grinning  from ear to ear. "I love you two soooo much!!" She gently pecked Eri on her forehead, and she kissed my cheek, causing me to turn pale to crimson within a matter of a few seconds.

"I love you too..." I whispered, making her face become hot.

"Alright, let's celebrate!!" We all enjoyed our quality time together, cherishing each second. However, the part that made my heart flutter the most was closer to the end of the day. Eri had fallen asleep, expanded across our laps. Uraraka nudged up against me, hugging onto me without letting go. I tightened up, but slowly sank in. I gripped onto her smiling with a blush.

"Thank you." She whispered softly. "This means the world to me."

1169 words!! nice

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