Chapter 19: Broken

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[Thursday, April 1st, 2010 - 1:56 AM]

Tommo: really?

Tommo: is that why you said you were three months along? it was all apart of your plan, wasn't it?

Tommo: you've liked me this whole time-

Haz: If I'm being perfectly honest, you're my first real crush, I guess.

Haz: You're everything I want in life and more, Lou.

Tommo: i can't believe i didn't pick up on any of your hints, they were so obvious now that i think back to it

Tommo: i thought you were just playing around

Tommo: christ, i'm so, so stupid

Haz: I wanted to say it earlier, but I guess I was just afraid of telling you.

Tommo: why?

Haz: In hindsight, it's quite silly, actually.

Haz: I admire you so much, I don't think I could have survived your rejection.

Tommo: sure you could have

Haz: I honestly think it would have broken me.

Haz: You're my mentor, you look out for me and care about me.

Haz: You're like my big brother.

Tommo: ah well, you've just gone and ruined it now

Tommo: you can't call me that after what you just said

Haz: I better stop while I'm ahead, you can take the wheel on this one.

Tommo: no, no, please continue

Haz: Someone is clearly flattered right now.

Tommo: i'm thriving

Haz: Good to know.

Haz: I mean it when I say that I don't think I couldn't go on without you.

Haz: You're the first person that I want to talk to when I wake up.

Tommo: are you nocturnal or something? i rarely socialize with you after the early AM

Tommo: haz is secretly a hamster - confirmed

Haz: I legally can't confirm nor deny that.

Tommo: i'm calling the fbi as we speak

Haz: I'll sue you.

Tommo: give it a rest, hamster boy

Tommo: but anyways, why did you decide to tell me now?

Haz: I don't know what happened today, I guess it just felt like the right time.

Tommo: i'm overwhelmed right now, hazza

Tommo: i genuinely don't know what to say

Haz: Well, I do.


Tommo: i like you too

Haz: Wait, what?

Tommo: no, no, no

Tommo: you did not just say that

Haz: I didn't expect you to say it back.

Haz: I'm so sorry.

Tommo: you don't feel the same way?

Haz: I-

Haz: I don't know.

Haz: I really didn't think you would say it back.

Haz: I just wanted to fool you this year and I knew you would probably see right through most of my other pranks.

Tommo: you don't do that to someone, harry.

Tommo: I need to go.

Haz: Lou, wait.

Tommo: that's louis to you

Tommo is typing...

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