Chapter 3 - 8th Period Lunch

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Good morning! Today is now October 27, 2019. I skipped a couple days because they were just regular days. I wake up today and start to get dressed for school when I receive a text from my groupchat.


Sistaaa (D): Hey Sis!

Sistaaa (A): Good morning!

                                                                                                                                                                Me: Hey babies!!

Sistaaa (A): Hey, so today we are gonna go to lunch and hang out there for eighth period wanna come too? We have some other friends we can introduce you too.

Sistaaa (D):Yessss omggg! You should come it'll be fun.

                                                                                                                                                  Me: Okays I guess I will

I close the chat and continue getting ready. I'm done getting ready and head to school. I go in and meet all my friends on the second floor.

"Hey guys!" I waved to everyone, I made lots of friends on my first couple of days and hope to make more today. I'm in science class and my friend, Avena, starts telling me about this junior boy, Jose, who keeps on flirting with her. She thinks he's disgusting and a player, which I find out soon enough, and tells me to stay away from him.

It is now 5th period, halfway through the day. I ask my teacher to use the bathroom. I walk in and I'm singing chandelier as I wash my hands. Another girl joins in. Wow, her voice is beautiful. I couldn't see who it was because she was still in the stall. She comes out and smiles. It was the most beautiful smile I'd seen. (little secret: I'm pansexual!). Anyways, I say that she has a very pretty voice and what my name is.

"Thank you, so do you! My name is Yolanda". She waves to me as we leave the bathroom. I walk to class and think, Wow, I hope we see each other again I'd love to be friends. Little did I know we'd be super close.

My friends and I walk downstairs to lunch together because we had 7th period together. I tell them to go down without me because I have to use the bathroom. They leave and as I'm leaving the bathroom I am once again, singing. I am walking down the hall and some boy comes up to me.

"You sing?" Damn, he's cute.

"Yea, you?"

"Well sometimes, I'm in choir so I have to.  Actually I'm going to talk to the choir director for you. Do you know Mr. Taubman?"

"Yea! I actually was introduced to him when I first came here. I wanted to be in the choir so bad. Still do."

"ok so I'll talk to him"

"Aawweeee thanks! I'm Serenity by the way." He looks me in the eye and takes my hand.

"I'm Jose." UH OH! Avena told me to stay away from him. Abort! Abort! I struggle to smile and shake his hand back. He walks off and I start to head to the basement. I have to ask for help a couple of times because I got lost. I finally get back downstairs and my friends are waiting for me in front of the cafeteria.

"Ok so, the people we want to introduce you to are Tony-"

"Who is Angie's boo thanng" Donyah interrupted.

"Not!" Angie said smacking Donyah's arm.

"OKaayyyyy" Donyah said in defense and rubbing her arm.

"Anyways, it's Tony, Arismendy, Jose, and Yolanda". Yolanda? Could it be the same girl?

"Wait, Avena told me some bad things about this Jose guy. I mean I won't judge because I always like to get my own thinkings on a person." I don't mention that I already met him on my little expedition from the bathroom.

"Yea and she's right. We also know that you fall for people easily so be careful please?" Angie says.

"HEY! not fair!! ok fine your right". We are in the basement and we grab a seat in the left middle round table. When we sit down there's already 3 boys and a bookbag on one of the seats. The tanned puertorican boy with flat hair introduced himself as Tony while Angie goes and sits next to him. I toss her a wink. The next boy is dominican and a little darker than tanned skinned.

"Hey I'm Arismendy but my friends call me Aris or Mendy or even by my full name." I laugh and smile at his sweetness.


The other boy I can see is Jose. He doesn't even look towards me, as if we didn't just have a full conversation. He gets up and walks off in the direction of Yolanda, the girl I met in the bathroom. He brings her back to the table and sits back down. Angie starts to speak,

"This is-" I interrupt her not taking my eyes off of Yolanda.

"Yolanda, yeah we met"

"Oh" Donyah manages to say.

"Yeah, In the bathroom." Yolanda tells them and I start laughing. I sit down and just look around and see everyone in the lunchroom is so lively and I love it. I catch Jose look at me a couple times then look away. What is happening? Why is he acting like this. I should confront him. And just as I was thinking this he looks to me and asks me to sing a song so everyone at the table could hear my voice. I got so nervous.

"What song?" I ask.

"Sing Chandelier" Yolanda suggests. I smile and start to sing. Everyone's eyes go wide. I stop singing from embarrassment.

"NO! Don't stop singing, keep going." Jose tells me and stares at me as if he was amused.

"Damn sis! I knew you could sing but I didn't know like that!" Donyah encourages. I smile and continue. The bell rings and they ask me if I'd like to come with them to hang out in Burger King with them. I say yes and we all get our phones and leave. Oh yea, they take our phone when we go in. We walk to Burger King and I quickly call my mom to ask if I could stay for a little bit and she said yes. I sit down at the table and Jose tells me to sit next to him. I do so and am studying his face to see if he had any intentions. I'm curious so I tap his arm.

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