Chapter 8 - Talent Show

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I was determined to find out what happened and how did Jose and I have the same dream. Only to find out later that he was lying! Seriously. How could he? I let it go seeing as today is the talent show and he was coming to watch and support me since my family couldn't. I am singing "Listen" by Beyonce today and he is sitting directly behind me.

"Don't worry babe, you're going to do great. Don't be nervous."

"I know but this is my first talent show here I hope I don't crack."

"You won't. Your up. LET'S GO!! BABY. WHOOOOHHH" He proceeds to yell for me as I walk up the stairs. How did I get so lucky with him? I get up on stage and the music starts playing.

"Listen...." I sing and Jose is already out of his seat. I laugh and smile at him as he comes to sit on the floor by the front of the stage. He brings my confidence out more and I love it. I turn and notice a couple of girls sitting in the front row are laughing. UGH. I continue to sing and when I sit down Jose asks me what's wrong I tell him about the girls. He insists on going over there and talking to them but I tell him no. I say don't worry about it.

"They're just jealous of your beautiful voice." AWE!

"Thank you, baby!" I kiss him and we stay until the talent show is over. I'm hungry so we go to Burger King for some food. First date? Maybe. I ask him if he wants some food.

"No thank you. I won't take your money. You're not paying for my food."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I kiss him and walk to the register.

"Serenity!" I run back worried as hell.

"Yea, what what?!" He shakes his head.

"I can't believe I'm asking this right now. Can you get me some nuggets please." I kiss his forehead and say,

"Haha, I was going to get you them anyways so, win-win" He smiles and I head back to the register. I love this kid man. SHIT! Did I just say that? FUCK, I can't love him yet. He'll freak out!! OH GOD. I think about this for a little while more until the cashier calls me up. I order and sit back down with Jose when the food comes. We eat and head home. He drops me off again at my building. He stops to kiss me on my cheek, then the other, then my forehead, and lastly my lips. I smile my dopey smile and stare at the floor. He lifts my chin and kisses me again. I look him in the eyes and I'm wondering if he knows what I'm thinking.

"Ok go! Before your mom comes down." I kiss him again and open the door. I watch him as he walks away. God, what did I do to deserve him?

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