Chapter 7 - Visions?

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"Wake up, Serenity. You're going to be late for school." I don't even want to go to school, I want to die in a hole.

"Ughhh! Why do I even have to go????" I ask my mom. She proceeds to tell me that I have to get an education and blah blah blah. I don't even know what I'm going to say to Jose. I get up and start to get ready. I finally decide on my light blue ripped at the knee jeans, brown and white sweater, and some white shoes. I head outside with my bag and wait for the train.
Finally. The train gets here and I see one of my friends, Mia, a couple stops later. Little did I know that she would become my wiffeeee!

"Hey!" She says.

"Omg Hey!!" I quickly hug her. The rest of the ride we talk about school and me coming over to her house. We arrive at school and we drop our phones in the bin. I turn around and see Jose walking up to the school. Shit. What is he doing here? He never comes this early! I quickly turn away and try my best to rush through the metal detectors.

"WOOOO WWOOOO" Great, the one day I want to go upstairs fast is the day my earrings ring. I have to go get hand wanded and guess what! Jose waited for me. Like WHAT. Why would he wait for me? It's cute but like I thought we weren't going to let people know about whatever the hell we are right now? Does he know about my dream? No, he couldn't I hadn't told anyone yet. Not even my best friend. We start to walk up the stairs and I hear him ask me something but I'm too zoned out to know what it was.

"Serenity?" He stops.

"Yeah? Sorry blanked out for a second, what'd you say?"

"I said, 'how did u sleep last night?'" What?

"Um, Fine. Why?"

"Well, I had a dream last night about us and um, it was uh, eventful to say the least."

"Wait, I had a dream too about us..." He looks at me, puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" He says

"Well...." I go into the juicy details of my dream last night. He tells me that he had the same exact dream and maybe it means something. I tell him that maybe it means that it's something we may end up doing in the future?

"I'd like that" I blush as the bell rings.

"I've got to go to class! See you later."

"Bye, Serenity."

"Bye," I proceed to walk to my first class, English with Mr. Weinstock, as I think about what just happened. How did we just have the same exact dream and it hasn't even happened yet? This is something out of a fantasy I swear. Maybe it just happened because we both like each other? I don't know but I am determined to figure it out.

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