Chapter 9 - Varsity Voices

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A/N: I skipped to the second semester because I came to school during the middle of the first one and nothing really happened after the talent show. Enjoy!

Finally we are in the second semester and I can check my classes. I pull out my schedule and read it,

1st: English

2nd: Living Environment

3rd: AVID

4th: Algebra

5th: Varsity Voices

I stop, VARSITY VOICES?? I got in!! I smile and show my friends they all praise me as the first bell rings. We pick up our things and head to English. Hours pass and we are now in 5th period I follow my schedule and head to classroom 208. I walk in and am immediately greeted by Mr. Taubman.

"Hi Serenity! I was told you have a beautiful voice. I have also heard you singing in the halls. I would just like to do some warm ups and stuff to see how far your voice can go before class. Follow me" I follow him to the piano and we start a series of warm ups.

"SiinnngggaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA, SinngggaaaaaAAAAAaaaaa" We repeat this going up and down the scale and he tries to teach me the hand motions to the scale. I tell him I already know them and he seems surprised.

"Ok class, please say hi to our new voice, Serenity Gonzalez" I turn around and wave to the class. I see that a bunch of them are already friends I have made throughout my time here so far. I smile and sit in the placement Mr. Taubman places me in. The front? Next to Dakota? The soprano who's voice is literally everything! OMG! I sit next to Dakota and we talk and giggle. She's actually a really sweet and cute girl. I get called out twice. Great, my first day here and i'm already getting in trouble. Class ends and Mr. Taubman calls for me.


"Serenity, I know this is your first day in this class and you are very excited and I can see your professionalism but I don't think your a troublemaker or distracting. Please prove me right."

"Sorry Mr. T. Won't happen again. Thank you" He nods

"It's ok. I also wanted to say that your voice is exquisite I'm glad Jose and you friends came to me to find you. I am happy to have you for the next 4 years. We are going to do a lot together. I look forward to it."

"Yay! Okays, Thanks!!" I smile and walk out of the room beaming. As soon as I walk out I am grabbed from behind. I push my foot down onto the person's foot and elbow them in the face.

"OW!" I turn around to see Jose standing there with a bloody nose.

"OMG I'm so sorry! I didn't even know that was you and well, I know self-defense. I'm so so sorry! oh my god." I ramble on and on until he stops me by planting a kiss on my lips. His blood falls to my cupid's bow and I lick it off. He smiles and I grab his arm. I take him to the bathroom with me and grab some paper towels and help him clean up. He stares into my eyes while I do so.

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