Episode 14: A Trip To Saint Tropez

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Here's the third part of the France trip! Enjoy!


"Mujin, Minjung, take care, alright?" Yejin said as she hugs them both.

Her makeup artist and hairstylist are about to leave Antibes now, and go back to Korea, leaving Yumi and Yejin in France. It was 6 'o clock in the morning, the sun bearly peeking through the tall windows of the hotel lobby. The two had prior commitments to go back to, and besides, they're vacation in the country occurred in weeks already.

"We will, Yejin! Enough goodbyes now, the taxi is waiting." Mujin said pulling her luggage with her to go out of the hotel.

"Mujin is so excited to go back to work," Minjung said, as Yejin and Yumi laughed, "I'll go ahead now," She said as she waves her hand.

But then, she forgot to say something. "And by the way, Yejin,"

"Hmm? What?"

"Enjoy the rest of the trip with your so-called 'close friend'." Minjung added, before turning her back and walking faster to go to the taxi.

"You guys, really," Yejin whispered, shaking her head in disbelief.

Yunmin laughed, "Let's head back now in our room. We have to continue packing our stuff."

It has already been two days since Bin and Yejin reunited in Antibes. And today, they're leaving the town to transfer to another town in French Riviera; the coastal town of Saint Tropez.

"Ready?" Bin asked once the door of room 307 opened.

"Yup! We're ready!" Yejin said as she struggles to pull two luggage, one on each hand.

Bin laughed as he went to her side and got the larger luggage. "I'll help you." He gave her a smile before proceeding to the elevator with his manager.

"Hmm, he's such a sweet close friend, though." Yunmi whispered to Yejin, and gave her a teasing smile. "How I wish I have a close friend with me here now, so someone can help me carry this heavy thing!" She complained more, as she carries one large backpack and a huge luggage bag.

During the first week of May, before Bin left Korea to shoot in Spain, the two once again met to discuss their travel plans on meeting halfway in between Girona; where Bin's last filming will be shot and Antibes; where Yejin and her team will have their vacation. 

Yejin stopped by Bin's apartment, right after her shoot. She asked him if they could have dinner together, but Bin refused since he has a lot of packing to do for his month-long stay in Europe. With this, Yejin decided that she will just bring some dinner for him, and even offered to help him pack his stuff.

"Okay, so what's next?" She asked him after she finished folding a number of his jeans. 

"Yejin, I told you, I'm good. I can do the rest, already." Bin told her as he continued arranging his toiletries in one small pouch. 

"Fine, okay!" She gave up, as she sat down on the couch inside Bin's closet room. "So, where should we meet?" 

"Where do you like to go?" 

"Hmm, I actually did some research on places around the French Riviera" Yejin said, as she started scrolling through her phone. "

The French Riviera, also called the Cote d'Azur is a coastline where beautiful beaches are found. Since Yejin is planning to have a trip which she could unwind; she definitely would like to go around beach resorts. 

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