Day 10

10 3 6

5 July 2020

Day 10: Write about something for which you feel strongly.

Day ten!!!! Yes we made it!

I feel strongly about being yourself.

I don't know, a lot of people are not their true selves.

They're fake, they're something they're not.

They think it's cool to be like everyone else. But it's not.

It's cool to be yourself. But the sick thing about this society is, they say be yourself but then they judge you if you are.

So I think most people don't have enough guts to be themselves. And being real gets you hated.

I learned that early in life, and I made sure that it doesn't bother me.

It used to, what people thought of me. And it still does, a little bit. But now I only care what my loved ones think of me, not anyone else.

And yeah, I feel strongly about being real, honest and yourself.

I know all those things gets you hated but does it really matter?

Anyway, yes I think that's about that.

See you tomorrow!!

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