Day 19

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14 July 2020
Day 19 : Discuss your first love

So I've never been in love before and I've ever been in a relationship before.

So I'll talk about my biggest crush :)

Let's see, it was a very very big crush. I had a crush on him for four years. Yeah I know, that's long.

And it's not like we ever really talked to each other. He was in the same class as me in grade 4.

Once we sat next to each other, *internally screams* in class. And I remember he handed me a paper the teacher handed out and I was so nervous, I took it but I made his fall to the floor in the process. Most. Humiliating. Moment. In. My. Life!

Once we where walking to class(our entire class, not just me and him) and I tripped and fell. He, of course 🙄, laughed. Asshole, that's what I think about him now.

His name starts with a C, so I'll just call him C. He has black hair, I was never close enough to him, or had enough guts to look in his eyes when I was near him, to see what colour eyes he had.

The moment my crush started developing, I would say was in grade 4. It was a rainy day, I remember, and the bell hadn't rung yet but the classroom was open because it was raining. So I didn't wear my glasses because I didn't want them to get wet, I entered the classroom and said something out loud but I can't remember what. He noticed my entry, and since then he started staring at me. He sat behind me in that class, but in the next row. If I turned my head slightly I got see him watching me.

I don't know if he kinda had a crush on me too. I have no idea. But the staring didn't stop there, he stared at me in the math class too. And I don't know about the other classes.

And I remember, one day we were waiting for the teacher to come after lunch time and his friend pushed C into me. He said something along the lines of, "Talk to her. Come on! Talk to her."

So yeah there's that. Was he refering to me? I have no idea, and I probably will never know.

After that though, I think whatever feelings he had for me, if he had any for that matter, died out.

Years passed, we were never in the same class again, much to my sadness. He started getting girlfriends, how you can get a girlfriend when you're 12 is beyond me but whatever.

And yeah, that doesn't mean my feelings for him died out.

I had about two other crushes in between. The one(I'm gonna tell you anyway while I'm at it) was in grade six, it was this guy, I'll call him A(his name starts with an A) and we'll we knew each other for a long time. Since the first year in school, we knew if each other. But we really started talking in grade 6. I think I started liking him because he talked to me, he made me laugh, he made me smile. A guy giving me attention, 😲 wow.

But I soon realised he, is what people call, a player. He charmed all the girls, he made all the girls feel 'special' and he was an idiot.

Then, H, as you probably already guessed, his name starts with a H. We knew about each other for a long time too. Not as long as A but long nonetheless.

I don't really know if I could call it a crush. Honestly I don't, I mean I kinda hated him more than anything else. He was just so annoying!

He couldn't bloody well leave me alone. We had the same bloody last name, so when we had to sit in alphabetical order (which we always had to sit in) we had to sit next to each other 😒 oh happy day, I'm not being sarcastic at all But it wasn't like we were related, that would just be weird. My last name, or well, our last name isn't like so common that every second person has it but it's not necessarily rare.

The one girl even joked that if we get married I don't have to change my last name. Oh yay 😒 again not being sarcastic

But anyway, where was I? Oh yes! I hated him! But on the other hand I couldn't stop thinking about him. So they say hate means you have some sort of feelings towards that person and love and hate has a very thin line or something like that.

He kept on teasing me. He kept on poking me. He kept on basically giving me his attention. Which wasn't wanted 😒

My mom said he liked me. But I don't know. Will the guy that likes you, really annoy the hell out of you and make you hate him?

He has dark hair and tan skin. He has dark brown eyes. He was the jock of the school. The golden boy. He was one of the top athletes. He played rugby, my guess is he probably still does. He was pretty good at cricket. I'm not gonna lie, he was- is not a bad looking guy.

I remember once with PE we had to play cricket, he and one other guy was selected by the teacher to pick teams and by my surprise H picked me to be on his team. And when I hit the ball with the cricket bat ,which I was very surprised about because I suck at almost all sports,  I could've sworn I saw him smile. But my mind was probably playing tricks on me, and if he did, he probably smiled at something or someone else.

But enough about him, this isn't his story it's mine. And this isn't his chapter, it's kinda C's

So I didn't really have the crush on C for four years straight. But the crush started in 2014 and I finally got over it in 2018

And yeah, I think I talked enough about my crushes and I didn't even mention all of them. 1055 words :)

See you in day 20!!!

Wow, already day 20?

Sparkle on!

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