Day 27

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22 July 2020
Day 27: Conversely, write about something that's kicking ass right now.

I have a hard time understanding this question or well this promt, should I write about something that's doing great in the world or something that I'm doing great at?

Well I guess this whole writing challenge is writing about yourself, things you like, things you do, things that inspire you etc

So I guess I'll write about myself then :)

Okay let's see, something I'm doing that's as they say, kicking ass

Writing? I guess.

I just gotta say, I've read some of my older work recently and then I read something I wrote very recently and well I compared the two. What I found out is that I've improved a lot with that.

Basic things you know? Where to use 'an' and 'a'. Where to add detail, where to add expressions characters make, where to add commas or full stops. Things like that.

But something else I've really improved with is poetry.

If you told me three years ago that I'd be writing poetry now, I would have probably laughed and said,"Good one."

Because I sucked! I totally sucked, or well in my mind it felt like what I have written was crap.

But here's another thing, I didn't try. I did not even try to write poetry, I just shrugged. Why even try when you know you'll fail?

But oh how wrong I was.

I just didn't think I could do it, why? Because I couldn't think of something that rhymed 😒

Yes I know, it's stupid.

The best advice I've ever gotten was, Poetry doesn't have to rhyme.

And that inspired me, then I thought,
"Just let your pen take over, the words will come."

And I did :)

Okay you don't need a pen on Wattpad but you get the idea :)

So uh, I think I did today's challenge right?

See you tomorrow!

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