Day 24

13 2 21

19 July 2020
Day 24: Write about a lesson you've learned the hard way

I would say, Not everyone you think is your friend, is actually your friend

It probably sounds stupid, but when I was what? Nine years old, I think. I thought I had a ton of friends.

But as I got older (gosh it sounds like I'm forty now or something) I realised that some people, your friends, they aren't your friends. They don't consider you as theirs.

They don't ask how you are. They don't care. They talk to you when they want something and the rest of the time, they're gone.

For a long time, I didn't have true friends. I abandoned the idea of having friends.

Friends? What are friends? I don't need them

That was what I thought. Because I never had true friends, for me, friends were like this:

You stand up for them but they don't do the same

They ditch you during lunch break because that's the game

They share cookies with each other but don't offer to give you any

You're just the third wheel that's presence is not wanted.

That's what I thought friends were, but no, that's not how friends are at all.

In the last year, I've met so many wonderful people. People who are actually friends

So what I learned the hard way is:

Friends aren't what I thought they were

And, not everyone you think is your friend, is actually your friend.

To end this on a brighter note, have a Specular Sunday!

See you tomorrow!

Anddddddd, yes, yes you thought I was done but I'm not

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Anddddddd, yes, yes you thought I was done but I'm not

Anddddddd, yes, yes you thought I was done but I'm not

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Look a that smile 🥵🤤🥺

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