Day 21

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16 July 2020

Day 21 : What three lessons do you want your children to learn from you.

Hmmm okay 🤔

1. Be kind, I know sometimes it will be hard especially to people who are rude to you. But most people act the way they do because of some sort of inner pain. BUT if they're just plain jerks, who punch you first, don't be afraid to punch back. But don't be the first one to throw the punch(unless it's necessary)

2. It's okay to be different. It's okay to not fit in. It's okay to not have a hundred friends you barely know. It's okay to be strange

3. Don't take anything for granted, you can lose anything within a few seconds. Remember that. And you'll miss something once it's gone, so cherish everything you have while you have it :)

There you go! I just taught the children I don't have three lessons.

See you tomorrow! :)

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