Spin The Bottle

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Hey Guys!!! My Name's Megan!

This is my first ever fanfiction!! I really hope you guys like it!

I should be able to update pretty often cuz of COVID 19 and stuff but please forgive me if I don't. I SWEAR though, I will reach the end of this story! :)

Just another reminder, this fanfic will have MATURE CONTENT and some SWEARING, so if you're uncomfortable with that, I'm not sure this is the best fanfic for you.


And (LAST THiNG I SWEAR) If you see any notes in bold, just know they are from me, the author)

Now, on with the story!

Sophie P.O.V

I really need to get dressed. Biana would not want me to be "makeup-less" or whatever. I sigh and drag my feet up Havenfield's stairs.

"Oh My Lord! What Have You Done To Your Face." My overly annoying talking mirror, Vertina exclaimed. My face didn't look that bad it was mainly my hair.

"Uuuugh OW! It hurts!" I shriek when Vertina makes an attempt at giving me exact pointers on how to brush the knots out of my hair.

Vertina sighs. Or does an equivalent to sighing given the fact that she is a mirror. "Tisk, tisk, Jolie never used to complain this much." I rolled my eyes, however, the thought of Jolie brings up a lot of sad feelings, most of them being about how SO many people have risked their lives to protect "The precious Moonlark."

I put on a red casual dress that Biana gave me, which had an annoyingly short and tight skirt. And then decides what shoes to wear. I go with gold flats because heels never seemed to make anything better for me.

All I wished was that I could wear a comfortable pair of shorts and a T-Shirt, but if I was having dinner with the Vackers...It was pretty much the same thing as eating dinner with royalty so I decided I could ditch the dress the minute I came back or something. Oh, what the hell, I thought to myself. Then, I chose a purse to bring along.

I wasn't in much of a rush to get downstairs because I had a slight feeling that even in flats, I would trip. Luckily, most of the times I did trip, Fitz had been there to catch me. Most of the time. My heart fluttered at the slight mention of Fitz, I didn't mean to, but hearts can be funny things.

"Bye Mom and Dad!" I called to Grady and Edaline while picking up my pace to get to the Leapmaster.

"Bye sweetheart have fun!" Edaline called back from the kitchen.

"Don't have too much fun ok?" Grady responded. I could almost hear the kick I know Grady was receiving from Edaline. As if on cue, Grady's "Ow" ran through the house.

I decided I can completely ignore Grady's warning if I want to as I walked past Everglen's booming, castle-like gates. I'm 17 now, it has been a year since we stopped the Neverseen and I'm growing up. I can have a little fun if I want to. Just then, a cheerful as always, Biana, comes to greet me.


I rolled my eyes. "I only wore this because you told me too and I do not want to deal with your pouty face and drama over a stupid outfit so yeah."

Biana looked way better than I did. I mean beauty was natural for her, even if she took off her millions of layers of makeup. She was wearing a long and somewhat poofy teal dress, and a white pearl necklace. Her heels were REALLY high, I have NO CLUE how she manages to stand straight in them, let alone bounce up and down like a puppy. She even had long white gloves.

Finally, after what felt like hours of talking about clothing and makeup with Biana, Fitz, Keefe, and Dex, all walked in. WOW. Fitz looks AMAZING," I thought to myself. He could look that great with ANYTHING on, he can pull off any look." Keefe didn't look that bad either, he and Dex both looked Very handsome but Fitz, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It probably had something to do with the fact that I have had a crush on Fitz since we met.

"You okay there Foster?" Keefe said while fanning the air as he always did when he was in a room with me. "I'm getting a LOT of different emotions right now."

I was pretty sure I looked like a tomato. My face was that red. I stopped staring at Fitz. "I'm fine," Sophie mumbled.

Fitz's voice filled my head. You look beautiful. I mean, red really suits you. Now it was Fitz's turn to turn red.

Thanks, you look good too, I thought. My face couldn't get redder.

"Okaaaaaaay, are you guys done with the whole fitzphie thing. You're looking into each other's eyes so intensely that it looks like you want to murder each other, except for the part where you both turned really red. "

This comment just made both of us blush even more. Which I didn't think was possible.

"Okay, how bout we play a game?" Biana asked, clearly looking bored.

"Hmmm...I don't really feel that in the mood to play Base Quest right now cuz my leg has been hurting for these past few days so...." Fitz said. "Oh and don't worry about my leg I think I pulled a muscle while exercising or something."

I could clearly tell that Fitz had been exercising but my fangirling had to stop.

"Well, there are some human games I know," I said. "Like there's truth or dare, spin the bottle, kiss marry kill, and like 7 minutes in Heaven."

"Oooooh, whats spin the bottle?" Biana asked curiously.

I had a feeling she was gonna ask about that so that's why I was not gonna say it but oh fucking well.

"So, spin the bottle is basically a game where you have a bottle and you sit in a circle. If the bottle points to any two people, those people have to kiss." I explained.

Like, on the lips kiss?" Dex asked nervously.

"Um, well usually people say that you have to kiss on the lips cuz it's more fun, but if you really don't want to, I guess we could bend the rules a bit," I replied.

"Okay! Les do this!" Biana said excitedly. I, on the other hand, was not as excited.

"Okay, so should I spin first, just so we can get a feel of the game?" I asked. Everyone else nodded.

So I spun the bottle. And I didn't believe who it landed on.

Me, for starters.

And Fitz.

I'd like to think of that as a very evil cliffhanger. I guess Shannon's rubbing off on me lol. I promise the next chapter will be out soon.

I just wanted to add something though, this fanfic takes place after Kotlc: Legacy, buuuut just pretend that Sophie and Fitz never became a couple and never broke up k?

Thank you for reading!!

Oh and this is not edited so um I apologize for mistakes in my writing but oh well.



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