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Hi guys! I hope you liked that last chapter! I know it was a bit spicier than my other chapters but trust me, in the later chapters it's gonna get a lot better ;) 😂 

Well, I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Stay safe! 😷

Sophie's P.O.V

"Omg Omg Omgggggg! You guys look SO, SO, SO, CUTE!!!!!!!" Uuuuugh that is officially the worst thing to wake up to. Biana squealing. It's horrid. My ears are dead. Seriously. 

"Wut the heck!" Fitz got up with a jump. "Talk about an invasion of privacy." 

I'm guessing Fitz took off his shirt at some point in the night because currently, he is standing shirtless with his beautiful abs showing. Beautiful? Did I say beautiful? No, I meant impressive? Ugh. Thank god I didn't say that aloud. 

It took me a bit to fully process what I had just done. I had just slept with Fitz Vacker. Like the legendary Fitz Vacker. And even more, I made out with him last night. And Biana interrupted both things. Fitz is right. Invasion of privacy my ass. 

"Yeah Biana, you gotta stop. Seriously it's almost killing the moment." I mumbled. 

Biana frowned. "If you say so. But keep in mind he's still my brother."

Fitz laughed. "And what exactly is that implying? Also, I'm your older brother which technically means I'm the one who should be monitoring you and Dex. Buuut, why would I do that when I can stay at home with this beautiful?" 

I could tell the statement was directed at me, obviously. Because the only other person in this room was Biana and that would be weird. However, my stupid face still turned red. 

"Looks like someone's gonna take a while to get used the whole dating thing. Like compliments and all." Keefe laughed from the doorway.

"Jesus guys, you might as well put cameras in this room," Fitz grumbled. Well, he's not wrong. 

"Yeeeah, and I'm here too. Not sure if saying that made things better or worse." Dex chimed in from the doorway.

"Okay, anyone else gonna pop in?" Fitz asked impatiently. "Or are we done here?" 

"What you expected more?" Keefe snorted. 

I just laughed. My laugh faded into a frown when Keefe talked next. 
"So, I have to go now. Sorry guys. My dad wants me back home early so we can work on empath exercise and the rest o' that shit." 

"Keefe, your sure your ok with that?" I asked. Keefe's father pretty much abused his only son. 

"Relax Foster. I'm fiiiine. Glad to know you still care though, with your boyfriend and all."

Huh. Boyfriend. I guess that's us now. I like it. I think it suits us. Surprisingly, I didn't blush at the comment and I think Fitz noticed that too, so he put an arm around me and I didn't resist. Instead, I put my head on his shoulder. 

"Ew. Guys, save the Fitzphie for later please." Keefe whined. 

"Sounds like someone's jealous," TAM said from the door. Holy crap. Where the hell are these people coming from?! 

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Fitz yelped. "OUR DAMN PRIVACY IS CLEARLY NOT RESPECTED. AT ALL" He added when Linh popped her head through the door. "YOU SAID NO ONE ELSE WAS COMING!" 

Daaaang. Fitz was maaaaad. I massaged his arm just to make sure he wasn't gonna explode or something. 

"Well, I may have miscalculated. But I swear that's all. I think." Keefe said with a smirk. 

I sighed. Tisk Tisk. It's kind of amazing actually. How our friend group has grown. I mean Keefe and Tam will probably never grow up but Dex and Fitz are really close. Biana and I are best friends and Linh and Tam fit in more than ever. 

"K guys? I think we should leave the two lovebirds alone now." Biana said. But she noticeably had moved a lot closer to Dex. When everyone left, I heard them whispering about something. And I think I know what they meant. Gross. 

"So, how do you wanna spend the rest of the day. I mean, no Neverseen. Just you. And me." Fitz said with his movie-star smile. 

"Well, there is one thing I can think of," I said. And before I knew it I was on top of Fitz and kissing him. Really passionately. I could tell Fitz was a bit surprised but he just went along with it. to be honest, I was NOT expecting myself to do that. His hand traced up my back like he did last night. Every movement of his sent chills up my spine. I opened my eyes in the kiss and I saw that he was enjoying it. I gently pushed away and he immediately opened his eyes and sat up. 

"Is something wr-" He started. I interrupted him and just pulled him into a tight hug. He was confused but after a couple of seconds he put his arms around me. "Well, what's this for? I mean, it's nice and all, but it's got some sorta meaning."

"Thank you," I whispered. Now he looked really confused.

"For what?" He asked and gave me a quizzical look as if to say "Are you ok?." 

"For doing this. For showing affection like this to someone like me." I said. 

"I'd be stupid not to." He whispered into my neck. "I really like you, Sophie."

"I like you too." I pulled away and looked into his beautiful teal eyes. 

"Well actually I think that may have been established yesterday during our li'l make-out session," Fitz said with a grin. 

"Maybe," I laughed. 

"Speaking of which, how did you like yesterday?" Fitz asked cautiously.

"Oh Fitz," I said in a seducing tone. "I loved it." 

"Really?" Fitz whispered into me again.

"Really," I said a bit louder that time.   

Hey guys!!! I know this chapter had No spiciness at all and for that I'm sorry but I'm trying to make it so that the relationship doesn't go too fast but if you want to see it go faster, just comment, please! 

Stay safe!


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