Silent Treatment

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MUA HAHAHAAAA I know that the chapter cliffhanger before was super evil!!! I'm aware of my actions and honestly, I didn't regret it until y'all were spamming the comments for me to update XD Thank you soooo much for 1.9k reads! It means the world. I haven't been updating because school started a few weeks ago and well homework and sports and life have been holding me up. I am forever sorry. Not really. Well sorta. You get what I mean.

Thanks for reading yet another rant! 



Sophie's P.O.V


"We had sex okay," I threw my hands up.

Biana narrowed her eyes. "You did what?"

~Flashback over~

I froze. Biana's tone was so cold. She sounded like she wanted to murder me, and I was clueless as to why given she was excited about me talking to Fitz about moving up our relationship.

"Get the hell out." 

"Excuse me?" I questioned. Bad move.

"I said, get the hell out, are you deaf?!" She was angry. Real angry.

"Biana?! What the literal hell? Is this a joke?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Her eyes turned to slits. 

"Why are you upset?" 

"Why do you ask so many questions?" She countered. "I'm not going to say it again. Get. The. Hell. Out." She was grinding her teeth now.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped.

She ignored me and she looked ready to grab me by my shirt and drag me outside. 

"Fine. Be like that. I don't give a damn. I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, and who you think you are, but I don't care. How. Dare. You." I left her room without another word. I stumbled down Everglen's stairs and made my way to the Leapmaster. "HAVENFIELD," I shouted. I let the light carry me away. 

~              ~               ~                 ~                ~             ~           ~             ~              ~                ~                  ~                ~         

Fitz's P.O.V 

"Yo Keefe, my mom wants me back home by dinner so uh, I'll catch you later ok?" I shouted to Keefe who was standing across the field. We just finished an intense game of tackle bramble so I'm pooped. Yes! Soph is coming for dinner tonight, I realized. I leaped home and was a bit surprised by what I saw. Sophie ran down the stairs, though she looked more like she was tumbling, and she had tears streaming down her cheeks. Next thing I know, she was yelling "Havenfield" and was whisked away by the light. The hell happened? 

After a few minutes of interrogating my parents, who are apparently as clueless as I am about this, I grab my imparter. "Sophie Foster-Ruewen," I say to the tiny screen.

No Answer.

I try again.

No answer.



"Shit. Shit shit shit.'' I mumble to no one in particular. 

Sophie's P.O.V

I pass the pastures of Havenfield and I zoom past Verdi who looks in need of a snack. 

What have I done? 

"Oh hey, Sophie! How was your da-" Edaline was cut off by me running up the stairs and slamming my room door. 

I sit on the edge of my bed as angry tears roll down my cheeks. I shouldn't waste my time on crying over what Biana said. I know that. Yet I do. Why did I let myself become vulnerable to the Vackers? Of all people. One of the most famous people in the Lost Cities. With arrogant children.

I didn't let myself think about Fitz. Or I tried not to. Did he tell Biana that I did something wrong? And what's up with her? She was so enthusiastic about my relationship with her brother. And what felt like a lifetime ago, she was my best friend. One of them at least. That's when I realized, I have better people to spend my time with.  

Like Dex. 

And Keefe.

~         ~             ~           ~           ~              ~              ~           ~         ~            ~             ~                ~            ~         ~

Saying that my day at Foxfire was awkward would have been the understatement of the year. I mainly avoided Fitz and Biana looked right passed me. Not that I cared. I could tell that Fitz was trying to reach me but I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk to him about Biana's episode yet. I still wasn't sure if he knew why it happened because, to be honest, I don't know myself.

I talked to Grady and Edaline this morning too. They told me to let it go. They said that Fitz most likely had nothing to do with it and Biana would "come around." Somehow I doubted that. Besides, when I first spilled the tea to them, Grady looked just about ready to Mesmer someone. Edaline managed to calm him down though. 

I still haven't told my parents that I've had my first time yet. Honestly, I'm scared to. Grady would kill Fitz and I would probably be grounded for eternity. So that's the wonder of living with overprotective parents. 

I met up with Dex during study hall and decided against telling him what happened. I knew he would just freak about the Vackers even more. Let's just say Fitz and Dex didn't get off to a good start when they first met. They're pretty cool with each other now but there's still obvious tension sometimes. Like when Fitz and I first became a couple. Dex had long since moved on from me but he hadn't fully moved on from his grudge with Fitz and the Vackers in general. Now he seems fine though, considering what happened with Biana and Dex. 

Keefe decided to come home with me today because apparently, he could get a "whiff of my emotions" all the way from the Gold tower hallways. 

"Sooooooooooo. What's been up Foster? Or what's been down? Depending on how you want to answer that." Keefe said with a bit of a smirk.

So I told him everything. From my argument with Biana to the fact that I'm avoiding Fitz. I'm pretty sure he already knew about my first time with Fitz because he didn't ask about it. Instead, he actually kept quiet till the end of my rant. Surprisingly. Here I was, thinking I was gonna be bombarded with questions and sexual innuendos. 

I sighed. "Usually I would go to Biana about this stuff but, you know. Can't really do that now, can I? I wish things could go back to the way they were before. Before this whole relationship thing came up, not that I don't love Fitz, because I do, but it seems that life was a whole lot simpler." 

"Well, I see where you're coming from," Keefe said at last. "But before there was still the Neverseen and the Black Swan to worry about remember?" 

That felt like lifetimes ago. And elves have indefinite life spans. 

I just sighed again. 

Keefe spoke again, "But think about it this way. As the great Alden Vacker always says. I'm sure There's No Reason To Worry."

EYYYYYYYY I'm doneee! This chapter took me soooooooo long for some reason but I hope y'all enjoyed it! I know, there's not much of a cliff hanger on this one but I still liked this chapter cuz it was almost short but sweet! Ya know? 

Please point out any spelling errors or any suggestions!

Anyway thanks for 1.9k reads again!

Stay safe!

Love Ya!


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