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Hey guys! So I have had a LOT of free time and well I finished 2 parts to this fanfic in one day, soooo here I am, writing the 3rd part, on the same day! lol 

So, as I said at the end of the last chapter, this chapter might be a little spicier, I guess you'll just have to see! :) 


Sophie's P.O.V

I got up in at midnight because for some reason I couldn't sleep. My kiss with Fitz kept running through my mind. I had to keep reminding myself that it was just a silly game and that the kiss meant nothing, but some, stupid part of me thinks the sparks that lit up inside me might have been on the receiving end of that kiss too. What I mean is that maybe Fitz felt them too. 

I got up to go get a drink of water in Everglen's kitchen but I ended up walking to the garden. And I had to blink a couple of times to fully process this, but, Fitz was there too, and he was walking straight towards me. 

Fitz's P.O.V

I saw Sophie, beautiful Sophie, coming out into the garden. Her eyes shone with such intensity, that I just wanted to fall into her. Her beautiful hair was amazing and glowing in the night. 

I think she looked a bit shocked to see me, but I went to her anyway. 

"Hey," I said quietly. DAMN. Why did I need to go for "Hey" I could've said "Hi" or "wassup" but NO I had to say "Hey." 

"Hi." She said shyly. Oh crap. She was so damn cute. I feel like I'm in deep shit right now. 

"So, about our kiss earlier." I tried going straight for it. Her facial expression changed for just a second. What was it, hopeful? Scared? Happy? But then she went back to her shy-girl look. 

"Um, well, it-it was nice, I think, um-" I couldn't stop myself. I just couldn't. 

I pulled her in. She didn't seem to hesitate that much, surprisingly. I then did the unthinkable. I kissed her. Smack on the lips. At first, she was shocked, then she closed her eyes and followed my rhythm. We kissed for at least half a minute until she pulled back for air. I put my forehead against hers and she just smiled. 

"Now that was nice." She said. I can't believe it. She actually enjoyed it. I thought she would run away, or call me something bad. But no, she liked it. And next thing I knew she pulled me in for more.

Sophie's P.O.V

I wasn't even thinking straight. The only thought that crossed my mind was that Fitz Vacker, The Fitz Vacker, was kissing me. And I was kissing him right back. 

We stood there for a long time, yet that hunger-ish feeling for more that I felt before, kept coming back.  

I think he felt that hunger feeling too because he started bringing in his tongue. So, I followed his lead. We explored each other's mouths. I didn't feel the least bit restraint at all. I wanted him. He wanted me. And I wasn't as sure of his want until he slid his hand up the back of my shirt. I tightened my grip on his neck. His hand snaked up my back, but I felt so nice. I didn't feel like we were going too fast at all. All I really felt was that damn hunger back again. But I held it in. I followed his lead and he followed mine. 

Soon, his hand was tracing up the back of my bra. I let a hushed moan escape my lips. Fitz's lips were so soft and his tongue did wonders. It really did. 

We started walking backwards, one step at a time. Until I reached a wall. Our lips never left each other except for small breaths for air. The one hand he had on my back stayed there, while the other slowly moved up on the wall. It felt like we stood there lost in each other for hours until we heard a quiet squeal. 

We immediately jumped apart to see Biana, Keefe, And Dex, staring at us in disbelief. 

"O.M.G." Biana shrieked, way too loud for the middle of the night. "YOU GUYS ARE A THING!!! YES, YES, YESSSSS. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR YEARS."

"Uh, how long have you been standing there," Fitz asked, clearly embarrassed that we were just caught making out by our best friends. 

"Long enough." Keefe snorted. 

Dex looked happy. He genuinely looked happy for us. 

"Well, I think it's safe to say that the couples can have their own rooms, so I can have one to myself!" Keefe looked a lot happier about this preposition then I would've expected. Biana always went on and on about how Keefe clearly had a crush on me, but right now he looks as happy as Dex. 

"Well, I mean, sure? I guess. Keefe, are you sure your ok sleeping alone?" I asked carefully. 

"Foster, you don't have to worry about me k? I'm fiiiine." He said it in a way that actually sounded legit, so I left it alone. 

"Well, I guess we have it then," I said, shaking off the last bits of embarrassment I felt. "Biana and Dex get Biana's room. Fitz and I get Fitz's room, and Keefe gets guest bedroom #1." 

As we walked inside, I went closer to Fitz and he held my hand. I guess Biana was right. We are a thing now. 

Once we all got settled in our rooms, I asked Fitz, "So, are we both gonna stay on your bed for the night orrrrr?" 

"Well, that depends on what you want. I promise we won't go any further than we did today." I know exactly what he means. Only kissing. Nothing more for today. And I am 100% fine with that. 

"Okay. Then we'll stay on your bed, I guess." 

"Alright," Fitz said as we climbed into bed. "Is it okay if I put my arm around you?" 

I nodded silently and I felt his strong arms around my waist. 

And that's how we slept. He was mine. And I was his. 

Hey ya'll! Hope you guys liked that chapter! Don't worry, if this wasn't spicy enough for you then the later chapters will be, trust me. ;) Well, I hope you enjoyed that chapter! (Just so you know, you guys are reeeeally lucky cuz I just posted 3 chapters in one day!) I really hope you are liking the story so far! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASEEEE put in ANY suggestions you may have in the comments! And feel free to express yourselves in the comments too! My only thing is don't spread hate towards others. If you haven't been having a particularly good day then feel free to put "hate" in the comments towards MY STORY ONLY. I can handle hate comments I just don't want any hate towards anyone else ok? 

Thank you guys SO much for reading! Have a great day! (or night, depending on wut time zone your in :) I promise I'll update soon! Bye! 

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