Season 1, Ch 3: Gearing up for war

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A/N: Credits go @KingDiscord. Also, I don't own anything.


*insert USTO opening

Houston School of Armored Warfare, Tankery briefing room

An's POV:

I had heard what was going to happen from Shichiro, a personal friend of mine, and the Director of the Japan Sensha Do Federation. Apparently the Japan Sensha Do Federation wants to have a match with us to determine if they get to dismantle our organization or not, and we have to win to make sure they don't. Currently, I am convening a meeting with all 700 members of the HSAW Tankery team, all of them currently serving in either the US Army, Marine Corps, or Vietnamese Army to discuss pre-match tactics.

Me (to the audience): Gentlemen, I'm sure you heard about the news coming out of Japan correct?

HSAW members: Yes sir!

Me: According to them, they want to dismantle us because we don't follow the "old age" rules of their Sensha Do. Meaning that we allow boys, unlike them where it's strictly female. As such, a match is being held to determine whether they shut it down or don't. And if we don't want it to be shut down, we have to win this. Currently, I'm planning to the strategies of our school before I discuss it with the other commanders of the other US Tankery schools. Our strategy for now is simple. Does anyone know?

A HSAW member in the crowd, who I identified as currently serving US Marine Corps Private Max Thompson, raises his hand.

Me: Yes, Private Thompson?

Thompson: Sir, I suggest that our strategy should be the same. We utilize the same Quân Giải Phóng tactics that we have been learning and using for the past few years.

Private Thompson sits back down.

Me: Private Thompson is correct. Since most of the maps we fight and they fight in are dense woodland, jungle, or urban environments most of the time, we can utilize Quân Giải Phóng hit-and-run attacks, since those Japanese schools we might face have no idea what we are going to fight like, because of our counter-intelligence methods regarding to our tactics. We need to be flexible in the first phase of operations. This means that we are to consistently use ambushes and small skirmishes on the enemy, so that their moral goes rock bottom. Then, once they are weak enough, we strike them with our own Chiến Dịch Hồ Chí Minh (Hồ Chí Minh offensive). And we will also use our superior special operations to fight at night on foot and to disable some of their stronger tanks while they're sleeping. Now I know that was cruel, but if we are going to need a fighting chance, we will take it. Private First Class William McPearson, would you please stand up and come up here?

One of my best buddies from the 141 and a fit for a Vice Commander, currently serving US Army Ranger Private First Class William McPearson comes up to the stage.

Me: I've already spoken to McPearson personally about the role, but in short, he will be our Vice Commander for the entirety of the match. I chose him because he possesses the leadership skills necessary to lead, and also, he has been our Vice Commander in the past, so this should make his job easier. McPearson (I take out my hand) congratulations again, for being picked as Vice Commander.

McPearson: It's a pleasure again sir. (he shakes my hand)

I speak again to the crowd.

Me: I would also like to mention that most of the Japanese schools speak a second language, such as for example the most well known, Kuromorimine Girls Academy, speak Japanese and German, but may learn English once they know of us. Hence, this is why it is important that we all communicate in Vietnamese during the match unless necessary to switch back to speaking in English, such as with the other US schools we are coordinating with. Rõ chưa? (Understood?)

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