TWO | forbidden

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[Yugi Tsukasa]

"Sakura-chan, what song was that?" I asked her. I can tell that she knows but it seems like she refuses to tell. I looked at Natsuhiko and it seems like he had na idea about the language. I may not understamd the lyrics, but her temperament was filled with something that excites me. It was full of resentment but it never pointed out to who.

"It's forbidden to talk about it." Was Sakura-chan's answer. "Tell me, Natsuhiko, what does she mean?" Sakura shook her haid in response. "You don't want to summon that apparition." She said with a fearful look. But an apparition?

"What apparition?"

"Well, at least we can tell the runt about her."

Sakura-chan sighed and looked at me dead straight in the eyes. Her temparament is really calm but fear is etched into her eyes. "It's about a girl who used to have everything. She was kind, beautiful and amazing, but everything changed when she became the only survivor when her family was murdered. She was vengeful and she, well, became a heartless killing machine. She was cursed after her death. What the curse is what I'm not sure."

"Can you start a rumor about it?" I exclaimed excitedly. But to my dismay, she shook her head. "No one knew what happened to her. No one knows about that story and it would be dangerous." She said, shaking her head. "Is she that strong?" Natsuhiko nodded.

"We don't know, but it was said that even the ancient exorcist clan can't seal her in and no one really knows why."

"Who can summon her?"

"Anyone. Even you. You just have to do these..."

Once Sakura had finished the instruction, I quickly headed to the abandoned building in the school to leave a note with my hat. I do hope that I'd see her. I'm going to die again because of curiosity.

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