FOUR | dainty deity

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[Sachiko Mira]

I held the cold compress tighter to my head. My tolerance is too high that it can't cool me down. Having a headache is really what happens when I use my ability when I don't turn back. "You should be careful, senpai." I sighed and looked at Kou, the yellow-haired guy who sits in front of me.

"It's just a small fever, I'm okay." I said, groaning slightly. Going back to school makes me feel human again. Like how it was when I was alive. And I must confess that it feels nostalgic. Thinking back, there were a lot that I had missed from my childhood. "Are you sure? You usually space out, senpai. Do you have problems back at home?"


I shook my head. "No, not at all. It's just, I'm a bit sad since my parents left. Anyways, I can manage, Kou. I just need to rest." I snuck up inside a blanket and turned my back. He doesn't seem to mind, somI took no heed and closed my eyes. Though I said I have a fever, I really didn't have one. Well, as an apparition, I won't have one. I excused myself because I need to be alone.

But of course, this weaklin couldn't even leave me alone. He doesn't even sense me as an apparition. But his older brother gave me weird looks already, making me think that he's a bit stronger than his brother. I sighed in relief when he left the clinic and went back to class. It's also been a while since I was alone— and I miss it.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Want a candy?"

My eyes drifted near the window to see pink figures sitting- more like standing on the windowsill. "Who are you little ones?" The pink fluffiness clustered together, looking at me with pure fear. I sighed, "I would want some candy, that's too bad." They seem to have calmed down since one hopped on the bed and gave me candy.

"Miracle-sama, is it really you?"

I stilled and looked at them. They seem like little creatures, but they know quite a lot. "You can recognize me?" They nodded. "It's your eyes, miss. They're empty." With a sigh, I opened the candy wrapper and ate the candy. Maybe I am empty.

"Don't be sad, Miracle-san."

"Want more candy?"

And for the first time, I smiled. Not the scary, murderous smile. It's a real smile.

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