NINE | pictured regrets

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[Yugi Tsukasa]

This is boring! I want to see her but I can't find her anywhere! She's nowhere to be found around school. I tried to look around again but I still can't find a trace of her. It was already getting dark and there seems to be no one left so I floated weakly to the broadcasting room. No sogn of her. Why isn't she around?

But something caught my eyes. It was her. In a faded blue dress that seemed to sparkle underneath the moonlight. She walked around the school, seeing all the empty halls with a smile filled with satisfaction. But something made me keep my eyes on her. She's glowing. Her pale skin color glowed a slight blue when the moonlight touches her, making her look like a goddess of some sort.

Under the moonlit night
Along with the fireflies glow
With the sound of the quiet river flow
Were screams of pain and agony
With a sorrowful note

She hid for her life,
Wanting not to be found
But she was unfortunate as she was seen
Forced her to witness the scene
Of all things too brutal and mean

She let out a violent cry
As she watched her loved ones die
With a promise of a life for a life
She killed them with a strike
Little pictured regrets she keeps

Under the moonlit night
Along with the fireflies glow
With the sound of the quiet river flow
Were screams of pain and agony
With a sorrowful note

I shivered as she sang. Her voice was cold and filled with sorrow and hatred. I never knew that such strong powers came from strong and painful memories. Her usual bored looks on a daily basis? I can't see it now. All I could see is a girl filled with bitter memories. I want to go to her, cheer her up, make her forget those sad thoughts even if it means that I get strangled. It's worth it if she forgets about her past for at least a couple of minutes.

But then again, she's strong. She might not ask for help.

"Why are you following me?"

She asked, without even looking up at me, voice cold eyes, void of any emotion. "Dunno, just feel like it." She met my eyes and smirked. Her now yellow-ish eyes danced in amusement as she stared at me. "I can see it."

"See what?"

"How you died. The betrayal and your antics that led to your death. You have your own pile of sin and you dared make a wish? Courageous."

"What do you mean?"

She showed me the note with a piece of a petal-less rose as her eyes glowed blue in the dark. "Then I'll give you what you ask. But there is a stake, you follow my orders if I win and I'll grant you a wish if you succeed."

This is making me feel excited. But I know I'm screwd. But still, excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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