Chapter 7: Maybe having friends isn't that bad

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Beatrice pov:

That next Friday morning I get up and go to school early so that I can run on the track. I need to think about somethings. I get there and walk up to the starting line. I take a deep breath in and then exhale right as I begin running.

After last night, I still don't know whether I want friends or not. It's crazy to think that a week ago the thought of friends wouldn't even cross my mind. I wouldn't want any friends, but now I'm not so sure. There are many negatives to having friends, but there are also many positives. Many what ifs also tend to cross my mind at the thought, but sometimes you've just gotta ignore them and take some chances. I mean if having friends doesn't work out and I end up friendless, I can't be upset, because that's how I liked it in the first place. Even though these thoughts appeal to me and make me lean towards the idea of having friends, I still don't know. I still don't know the right choice from the wrong choice. This could ruin everything that I've hoped and dreamed for my whole life, because when graduation comes around I will be attached to them and not want to leave them for college, which would mean all of this would be for nothing. But then again, I don't know how I could even like Four's friends. They are all so... Strange.
But who knows, anything could happen.

For a half an hour I run with out ceasing, letting thoughts like these consume me until I am overwhelmed. I decide I need to stop thinking about these things for right now, I will drive myself mad if I don't. I hear the five minute warning bell go off and I walk back into the school.


"Okay class, now before you leave I want you to take out your cell phones and any technology that you have with you and hold it up in the air." I scrunch my eyebrows and look over at Four. He just shrugs and takes his phone out of his back pocket. I take my iPhone 5s and iPad out of my my bag and hold it up in the air. As I look around I see laptops, phones, and tablets in the air. "Okay, bring them all up to front of the class and put them in this bucket. They will be staying at the school over the weekend. You will spend the weekend without portable technology." The whole class gasps including me when she says this. "The people that we are going to be learning about did not have cell phones to call people when they needed to get ahold of someone, they didn't have cameras to take pictures and selfies, they had to look at what was around them and soak it all in." As we walk up to the front, Four bends over so I can hear and says quietly "This has got to be illegal or something. This is private property." I let a smile creep onto my face.

The bell rings and as Tobias and I leave the classroom, I notice that he is very stiff and only moves his legs, like someone with a sunburn would. I know better than to ask him, so I push the feeling at the pit of my stomach away and carry on to my locker.


By the time lunch rolls around, Four's group is already sitting at their table and Tobias is engaged in conversation. I stand with a trey in my hands debating on where to sit. Sometimes you have to just have to ignore the what ifs and take a chance, and if all goes wrong, then so be it.

I take in a large breath and confidently walk up to their table. All conversation stops and their eyes are on me as I sit in between Christina and Tobias.

"I'm gonna try and be your friend. I am taking a big chance here, so please don't screw it up." I say looking at them all and look at Tobias as I finish.

Nobody speaks up for a minuet, but the Uriah claps his hands together and rubs them. "Finally! I thought we were going to have to annoy you to death!" Everyone laughs and Tobias just smiles at me and I decide to return it.

"Yay, I am so giving you a whole make over! I'll do your make up, clothes, and do your hair, and-" Christina starts.
"Woah hold on, if I become friends with you guys you aren't changing me into someone I'm not. I am staying myself!" I say holding up my hand to stop her.

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