chapter 8

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I cannot believe this! I cannot believe that this whole time I’ve been helping him cheat on his boyfriend, no, fiancé! He has a fiancé! I understand that him and I aren’t serious but this isn’t something that you just keep from someone!

“I can’t believe you.” I said and walked around him.

“No, no wait!” Kellin said and grabbed hold of my wrist, pulling me back.

“Wait for what?! For you to lie some more?” I yelled at him.

“No, please let me explain.” He begged, looking at me desperately.

“There is nothing to explain. So you’re a cheater and a liar, that’s great, but I want nothing to do with it. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me though. I straight up asked you if you were sleeping with someone else and you said no.” I said. I was getting so angry over this, probably to hide the fact that I was actually really upset with him.

“I’m not sleeping with him!” He shouted, ending with a sigh.

“Oh, right, you’re not sleeping with your fiancé. Okay Kellin, whatever you say.” I said sarcastically and pulled my wrist from his grasp and walked out of his bedroom. Of course he followed

“No, I’m serious. Just please, before you run away just give me a minute to explain.” I said. I stopped in my place. I was close to the door but could I really leave forever without an explanation? Knowing how much I over-think I know that I wouldn’t be able to get it out of my mind and I’ll be constantly thinking ‘why’.

“Fine.” I said and turned back around. He gestured towards the couch and we both went over and sat on it.

“Alright…” He turned to face me. “I’m telling you the truth when I say I’m not sleeping with him. I’ve been with Scotty for three years. The first year was great. We would sleep together all the time, but by the time the second year came around it happened less and less and I thought that’s just what relationships are like, that it slows down. But now and for the past like year I ask him for sex but he just says no all the time, well most of the time. If I’m lucky I’ll something every couple of months and it doesn’t help that we argue a lot which stands in the way. But it’s like his sex drive is completely gone. In case you couldn’t tell, I like sex a lot and he isn’t giving me what I need so I go and find it somewhere else…and that’s where you come in.”

I knew he was using me for sex so that much wasn’t a surprise and I guess it mustn’t be very nice to be in a relationship where your partner refuses sex all the time, but does that justify cheating? And can I really be the type of person who helps someone cheat? I sighed, rubbing my temples with my fingers. This was bringing on a headache.

“If you’re not happy in your relationship then why are you still with him?” I asked.

“Because I’m in love with him.” He said. The small part of me which had unfortunately become attached to Kellin was really hurt right now after hearing that. But the bigger more logical side of me told me that I knew this was just a casual thing so I shouldn’t be allowed to be hurt.

“If you’re in love then you wouldn’t cheat.” I said.

“I cheat because I am in love. If I don’t then I’m just going to be frustrated all the time and it’ll end up being a huge problem and I’ll break things off with him and I don’t want that.” He said. I didn’t even know what to say right now. I couldn’t think of any kind of comment that I wanted to make about all of this.

“I don’t think I can do this.” I said. I stood up and headed towards the door.

“Vic, come on. It’s cool.” He said.

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