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**Hallow's POV**


I was making cookies for Christmas and I had my darling bunny with me. Every once in a while, I would toss ingredients to them to munch on.

"One of these days, that rabbit is going to be bigger than Dude." Ben said as he walked in.

"I hope so, the other Halloween mixed bunny was way larger than Harry." I picked up the bunny and kissed the nose. "The mighty Halloween steed, East."

East's whiskers brushed against my bony cheeks and I giggled.


I was having fun petting the mismatched fur. Then I noticed the slight pattern of the orange and black. East had jack o lantern markings with black around the eyes and mouth.

"You are just too cute!!"

East started squirming as I put my face in his fur.

**Chubby Bunny**

"Hallow, I think you need to slow down on East's treats." Carlos was telling me as I was baking. "He is getting to the point of round."

"Nah, East is a growing bunny! He needs the treats!"

"He is the size of Dude!!"

"So? He is still growing. I once heard of a kid that had a turtle the size of his school."

He turned around and walked out.

"I will always be confused by people."

**Harry & East**

I walked in and saw the two napping. Harry was using East as a pillow. I'm not sure who was drooling more, I had to take pictures of the incident.

My cookies disappeared and I was looking at the two suspects.

"It wasn't me! I saw East munching on them and couldn't stop him!" Harry said while pointing at East.

East was pointing at Harry with his ears. I just stared both of them down until East forced Harry to confess. By sitting on his chest.

"This is one fat bunny. I give up. I ate the cookies."

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