Part 1 Happy Anniversary

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( This_is_fan_fiction_ characters_names_from_scooby_doo_DO_NOT_BELONG_TO_ME )

Thank you for reading


It's been two years since the gang broke up and everyone went their separate ways, however this year is a special one because it's Fred and daphne one year since getting back together anniversary.

It's 8 in the morning and daphne alarm clock is showing no mercy, with a few twists and turns from the grumble of a non-morning person she reaches out from under the cover and pulls the alarm clock under it.

A few seconds later with that alarm still ticking; daphne pops out from under the covers now wide awake shouting  "today's the days!"

Daphne tosses the sheets off her and picks up a purple walkie talkie with a white fluffy cotton from her bed stand.

After pulling up the pole and stationing it; daphne then presses the PTT button connecting to her personal maid faith, " faith comes in over?" without a second to spare the maid responded to daphne's call.

"maid faith responding to miss daphne over" with a smile on her face and the chirping of happiness in her voice you could tell she's in a good mood; daphne gives the maid her orders " cancel all my plans in the afternoon, and as soon as my clothes are delivered bring it up and also, tell sintia to bring up a light breakfast; did you get all that? over"

Once again maid faith answer without fail " yes miss Daphne, do you need anything else? over".

"no, that all, for now, faith over and out" after that daphne finally crawled out of bed and walk to the bathroom, then picked up her toothbrush, paste and brushes her teeth followed by her blue mouthwash and morning face washing cream.

Daphne exit the bathroom still in her purple Pj's just in time to see her ready-made bed and the maids pouring orange juice and neatly placing her plates and silver in place.

She called out to one of the maids called Monica as she sits.

" yes miss Daphne?" in an obviously good mood daphne takes a sip of the orange juice and answers her " OH yes I'm going to the gym then to the spa can you please inform the driver of the locations that I'm going and tell him to get ready I'll be there in 15 minutes"

The maid nods and takes her and leaves along with everyone else.

15 minutes later and Daphne was ready to go. After a few hours. Like a bride getting ready on her webbing day, daphne got ready for her day in a flash.

Racing to the door trying not to be late for this important day; she was stopped by her personal maid that hands her a small red box " miss daphne, I already called Mr. Ferd and inform him of the location and today's event 5 hours before the time".

Daphne hugs faith saying " thank you faith and the engagement ring is just perfect and nice touch with the Redbox"

Looking all nervous maid faith looks at her with a calm smile and says to her " miss everything will be alright and there's no way he wouldn't say yes to a beautiful woman like you and on an important occasion like this just have fun"

As if the heavy load on her shoulders disappeared, daphne calm down and went to the restaurant where they met a year ago; two years after the gang broke up.

It's been two hours since daphne made it to the restaurant and yet still no Freddy; the waitress came over too daphne table and ask her if she'd like to order anything once again.

And once more she turned them away saying " he'll be here soon so, please wait a little bit longer" she begged.

The waitress sighed and says to Daphne "the restaurant will be closed in 2 hours and you'll get one hour extra over the closing time, the manager said that's the longest she can give you "

But with every call, there's a voicemail and with every text, there's no reply and yet another three and a half hours and still no Freddy.

Daphne finally gets up with the Redbox that's holding the engagement ring in her hands and put it back into her bag then thanks everyone for their patients.

Leaving the restaurant without even looking back; daphne just decides that she wanted to take a walk before she called the driver.

After walking for 20 minutes a man walk past whose face that she could barely see; dressed in a green jacket and a well fitted Brown jean pants; he's surrounded by that seriously yet mysterious vibes around him.

As if she couldn't stop herself she says "excuse me Mr. green jacket" just loud enough for him to hear.

The man heard daphne and stops walking and turns around then says " Daphne? " in a questionable tone as he's removing the hoodie from over his head.

Daphne this not able to grasp who that person was until is hoodie was fully push back " Shaggy! "

(July 20, 2020)

shaggy x daphne: drunking loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora